wuT A weeKend...wuT A LonG ENTRY!

May 08, 2005 23:53

cOmo esTAS???? wuts goin onnnn?

well nOt a thinG here so i'll reCap on my weeKENd...

well myy weEKend staRTed thurSday sooo--i hAd a soCCer gaMe at CLawsOn..lost, haD suM fun tiMEs on the buS RIde baCk. i camE hoME went taNNing theN heaDed ovER to sARahs to spEND the nite. we stayED up laTE jus doin noT muCh of nethiNG but it WAs gooD quALity time with mY bAbigiRL! ;)the whoLE night waS good beSidES some VERY VERY diSturbing nEws i reCieved frOM alySSa wooowww i cOulda soCKed the waLL...im doING everythING in my poWER jus to kEEP my mouTH shut but onE Of thESe days iTS gonna buRSt opEN ps-grow up

FRIDAY-woKE up EARLY as hail to gO heLP decORate for pRom..afTer that i wEnt tannign and piCKed up hAnnah from SCHool. then WE weANt and goT OUr naiLs donE for pROm. johNNY did an eXcellent job. so theN we came home stArted getten reAdy..em did my hAir then i DId my maKE-up. met for piCS at maDonna then hEAded to thE DAnce. it wAS a fun nite. me, eriC, billy, n anDrew toRe it up duriNG "PUSH iT"// goTTa loVE thoSE guys.. then we wenT baK to gWEns for the night and crAshed after getting siCK at CONey isLand

SatURDAy-caME homE and me and keLLy toOk my picS to get devEloped..they tuRnd out rEAl cute. then she DropPed her phOne in the tOilet freAKed out and stOrmed off homE..but luCKily she getS a new One tomorrOW :) i love thAT girl so muCH. sO theN daVE kinGY came over..spEnt quALity tiME with hiM-he mADe me laugh so hArd i peed a liTTle..oh well it HAppens oopS..i foRgot how fuNNY that kiD Is. i shouLa been pRepared! theN sarAH came oVEr we weRe gonNA go ouT But her n HArriSOn got in a huGe fight sO we enDEd up haning ouT alone. we meT up w/ ellEN at STArbuCKs then me n sar caMe baK to my hOUse n did nothin buT Goof off and laUgh. finALy i kiCked her out aRound 3 and wenT TO bed.

SUNDAY-MOTHERS DAY..happy mothErs day wENDY!!!! :) woKE up shit i donT even reMember getting up ive neVer been so effin tiRed in my life. but i hadDDdd to go 2 churCh. so im slEEpen thru the sermOn aS usUal and andRew taPs my shouLder and says "CMon laura u gotta taKe me to my Hockey game now..." WHATTTTTTT? i waS already planning on taken a goOD nAPPer SOON as i goT home!! i about Cried. CanfieLD isnt ExacTLy close to hoME. so im drivin there..swerving bc im sO tired..alMOst ther, raN a reD light bc i waSnt even paYing attenTion, got there slept in the CaR the ENTIre time! i dont know how me and andrEw ever surviVed that trip..thANk that loRd. i goT home feLL right aslEEP and wenT into woRk at 3. goT hoMe about 9 and now that thiS Long as HAil entry iS doNe im going to BED!!!! gooDNIght!!

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