May 03, 2005 09:43
helllllllllo what it is???
well this weEKs goin by WAyyyyyyyy too slow! its ONly tuesDAy..PROM is FRIday tho! tHats pREtty cool. only 15 daYS beFore school gETs out 4 the senIoRS!!!!! AHHH thats so DAMn soon! im sO exciTEd. lAS nite i went to emiLy and amYS college GraduaTion from nuRsing SCHool. wow i am REAlly borEd and i haVE NOThing to say...this is why i dont upDAte..
me n Gwen havE bEEN talkinNG to jaiME f/ CAncun..hes commen here iN the SUmmer f/ VENezuelA wiTh miKE!! i loVE those guYs .. theyR sooo fUnny i miSS CAncun so muCH i cant waIT to go Bak neXt year..
psmy gRAduaTion pARTY is juNE 12th --eVERYONE be thERRRRRRR!!
soCCers goin Pretyt well...i think were 6-3 but AFta TOday---7-3..were playEN NOrthWEst
i get my hair DOne toiTE ----BLONDES 4 LIFE!! riGht CAN?? love u!!
k wELLLLL im out...pEACE XXoo
ONE loVE >.......LAURA