dONde eSta lAUra???

Mar 17, 2005 09:29

in 6 dayS?.....CANCUN!!!!

woW- havenT bEEN thiS eXciTEd in a lONg timE!! 6 dayS!! layEn on the BEAch getten tAN paRTyen @ niTE-wow I CannoT WAIt!

so sOccer stARted thiS WEek..1sT daY was alright..2nD was aWFUL, yESterday was kOO. Im stiLl a lil Iffy on The iDea of playen FRANkliN on tuesDay in a SCrimage--they juS Seem 2 gooD..

SO i dunno if ive uPdated sinCe STATES buT let me SAY it was AMAzinG!! we aLL had sO muCH fUn! friDay we alL weNt 2 lil ceaserS thEn dRove up thEr..gOT 2 tha HOtel dId a lil shoPPen @ birCH RUn, weNt swimmen thEN jus CHIlled in thE roOm-aTE juNk fOOd then laTer orDERed was AN EARLy morning!! woKe up At 550! goT reaDy n LEFt 4 the competition. wE were ther uNTil liKe 130..or so.we PLAced 15th outtA 20..buT THat was so COOl for us we DINT evEn xpect 2 b thERE. we BEAt NOrthWest and HARper WooDS whiCH was AWESOME!! we DID gREat n it was a gREAT way 2 enD the SEAson..i lOVe thoSE giRls soo much. thIs yr was thE bESt cuz we aLL gOt alOng gREat n THer was nO sTUPId girL GLAd tHinGS were thE waY thEY weRe n we Had thE GIrls we hAD.

thIs onE Was 4 u CAN..

wELl im OUt..lATA gATAsss

ONE loVE<3

-lAURA kAm
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