Mar 19, 2005 20:11
well HEllo thERE..comO esTA?
im jus cOUnten down thA DAys tiLL cancUn. 4 DAys by THE way
tODay i wENT to 12 OAks alL by my lONesome..iT waS fUn tho i liKE shopPEn by MYsElf iTS easiER..theN I camE Home did nothen THen went 2 wesTland maLL. i Saw ROBbie, kaSey, tyWon n somE of THeir frIEnds/ i mite haNG out wIth them tonite but LYss is on hER way oVA
soCCers goen pREty good id SAy..teams looken good i think..very taLEnted freShmen
slEPt over SAMS lAs nite ..geSS who eLSE slept oVER !!! WADE ow owwww!! wut a hotTie but we Fell ASleep watchen CASper real quick..
weLL THas all 4 noW I goTta go get REady for thE Nite..
LATesss...ONE loVe
....lauRA k