peaNut buTTa jouRnAL time!!

Mar 11, 2005 13:47

holA everyonE>..WuTs cracken??
im a liL biT of evErything toDay..tiRed, eXciTed 4 tmm, nErvouse, buT moSt of ALL juS AMPED 4 tm..i mean cMOn itS statES! who woulD have friKen thought Wed b goIn 2 stAtes?

well iTs finAlly friday seEms like a lonG WEEk-glAd itS ova..gyM clAss reAlly kickEd my Ass toDay im effin soRe to teLL the honEst truth...thinK i pUlled a seriouSe muscLe in my bAck but i woNt reVeal thAT 2 neonE im pullen a CANDACe!

HAHAH on a fuNNier noTe...toDay candaCe was tellen liNdsay m abouT wut haPPened at pRactice yEsterDay n hOw she huRt her anKle..ha ha ha...hEr rePly was.."i bEt lauRa and aLyssa were juSt stAnding thEr all 'solemn' god i really hAte thoSe 2" doEs she evEn no wut soLemn mEans ?? well Me n lySss loOked iT Up cuz we Dint n iT meaNs "quiet, calm, resErVed" hoW tHe heLL doEs that EVen fiT ? that GIRLs stRaighT TRIPPEN..i DonT eVen no wuT 2 saY bout hER...

HOTEL 2niTE!! w/ my laDieSS

sun-SLEEP and werK


-lauRA CAr Kam
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