Keep safe. And leave my LJ pages alone

Oct 30, 2012 17:55

Very glad to have heard from some friends in New York that they're safe, even if some have lost their power supply. Hope everyone else in the area is OK too.

I'm grateful to trixieleitz for pointing out that LJ is planning to wheel out another of their "let's change your LJ pages to a style you don't like" initiatives. Well, it's possible that one of the 586 comments so far in response to that announcement says the redesigned friends page looks lovely, but it may take some time to find it. Most of those responding think it's more difficult to read, and particularly object to the introduction of an "infinite scrolling" feature - I didn't like that when Google introduced it for viewing images, and I certainly don't want it on my friends page.

If you're on LJ and want to know what they're trying to introduce, I've got a pale blue strip near the top of my LJ friends page reading "You're using the old version of the Friends page - switch to the new one." On clicking that phrase I saw the new version, blanched, and hastily clicked on the equivalent pale blue strip reading "You're using the new version of the Friends page - switch to the old one." That brought me back to the nice page that looks the way I like it.

I can't imagine LJ is going to be silly enough to insist on imposing this new style in the face of what appears to be pretty much universal opposition, but you never know. Meanwhile, I would like to thank Dreamwidth who let me pick my own style three and a half years ago and tweak it to suit myself, and have left me to get on with my own thing ever since. So far. (Every few weeks they send an enthusiastic notice saying they've been doing something or other, but thankfully it never seems to mess up what I've got, so I just smile, think "very nice dear" and go back to my own devices. This is what I want out of a blogging platform.)

Also posted on Dreamwidth, with

news, exasperation, friends, lj

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