All right, stats first.
Run Time: 24:55+
Twisters: 80
Stupids: 3 x 15
Stupids update: I found that holding on to something while I do the Stupids really helps with the strain in the back. Makes the things feel almost easy (in the sense that it's easy to isolate the stomach muscles).
Really a good workout today. Woke up feeling a bit rough from last night. I think it was the combination of incense and whiskey and whatever else. Ate some ginger, drank a couple liters of water, worked out and I feel much, much better.
I still find myself curious about the immune-system's response to physical exertion; does the body heating up during a workout simulate a fever? If so, does it tend to kill unpleasant organisms when their numbers are low or their development still minimal, thus improving general health?
Does it provide greater resistance to those strains, for that matter? I mean, all an inoculation against viruses tends to be is a recognition program for that particular strain.
"Hey, look at the body of this critter! It's bad. We want it dead. You are ordered to shoot on sight, take no prisoners. Understood?"
"Yes, sir!"
We know exercise kicks the body into a higher gear and makes the body stronger, better able to cope with things (and improves the mind & spirit too, but that's another post). But does working out kill this stuff in our systems, or weaken it? Is exercise both offensive and defensively beneficial?
Funny how many words it takes me to get to an summary of my question.
Poker tonight. I am remembering that bluffing is bad and that I should only get in on a hand if it looks really good. Frankly, I don't have the experience or the skill to push a bad hand and have things come out all right. I learned that last month.