React-o-matic: SPN 5.4

Oct 07, 2009 15:31

The father-in-law finally cracked and bought this off iTunes since the CW still hadn't uploaded it to their streaming website as of Monday afternoon. *shakes fist* Why does the one show I really care about staying current with have to be on the one major network that can't seem to get their episode streaming figured out? They finally started using ( Read more... )


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dirigibletrance October 7 2009, 22:52:42 UTC
I liked the ep too!

Although I think the use of the Colt at this point as the "one thing that could kill the devil" is kind of... dumb? The Colt isn't even the original Colt now, it's the Ruby's-Modified-Colt, which shoots normal bullets instead of the Kill-Everything bullets that Samuel Colt only made 13 of.

Which means that it has as much mojo as Ruby's knife, which we've seen, doesn't work on angels. Actually, didn't Dean shoot Cass with the Colt the first time he showed up? I remember something like that.

So we've seen that weapons of the caliber of the Colt/RubyKnife can't even kill a lower-tier angel like Castiel, let alone the highest angel.

side note: I've been wanting the Trickster to show up again. I have never forgotten that, of all the other supernatural critters on this show, only the Trickster ever demonstrated anything approaching real god-liked power. He could turn back time, make a dozen alternate timelines, etc. We've seen Zechariah shove the boys through time a few times, but even he said it was something he could only do for special occasions, implying that he has to save up the juice to do it.

The Trickster could pretty much do it whenever he wanted to. I have a feeling we'll be seeing him again.


feliciakw October 8 2009, 00:39:42 UTC
Actually, didn't Dean shoot Cass with the Colt the first time he showed up?

Just a point of interest, Bela stole the Colt and gave it to Lilith. We haven't seen it since. Dean did indeed shoot Castiel when he first showed up, but it was with a shotgun and either rock salt or consecrated iron buckshot (something we really haven't heard about since S1).


sarcasticval October 8 2009, 02:42:19 UTC
Although Dean did stab Castiel with the Ruby knife to no effect, yes?


feliciakw October 8 2009, 02:47:12 UTC
Yes, that is correct. That is how I knew he was most assuredly not a demon. *nods*


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