React-o-matic: SPN 4.21

May 08, 2009 20:37


Okay, so.

You know what? I really have nothing. I mean, I keep thinking I want to at least say yay for the Zeppelin title or for the reappearance of Mary or baby!Sam or for Bobby being as freaking awesome as he is, or for the mind-blowing acting, but the thing is all of those things are really cool, but only in that they were effective. And "effective" for this episode translates as "ow ow, make it stop, please, dear God." So: I have no yay. There is no yay in me. All I have is a stuffy nose from getting all choked up over EVERY SINGLE THING in this episode.

So yeah. I got nothin'.

I'm going to go hide from this episode. Under my bed. Please send gin ice cream.


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