(no subject)

Apr 08, 2009 11:30

Dear brain:

Maybe you missed the memo, but pregnant people are supposed to rest a lot and not stress. Just in case you were wondering, dreams about trying to deal with a giant pile of laundry, a kitchen full of dirty dishes, and an impossibly filthy bathroom before guests arrive is not restful or conducive to low stress. At all.

I mean really.

No love,



Dear stomach:

You're just giving me a happy day so that you can break my heart by making me puke all day tomorrow, aren't you?

That's right, I am on to you!

Unless this is just a happy tummy day with no ulterior motives behind it, in which case, um, thanks.

Yours with reservations,



Dear Baby:

This is what we call a "cupcake." Here, try some. Be careful, because they really overdo it on the frosting and that stuff'll mess you right up. Probably causes brain damage or something at your age. But the cake part is delicious, no?

See all the fun things we can learn about together when you aren't making me vilely ill? Wouldn't it be nice if we could always play nicely with each other and eat cupcakes?



bear, yay i'm preggers yay, dreams

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