Fic meme!

Oct 15, 2008 09:16

I've never done this meme before, but because of it I've spent the morning discovering lovely new fics (especially nice today, since several of the attorneys are at a seminar and it's very slow so far). Also, feliciakw expressed interest in seeing me do this, and I can deny her nothing. Thus:

Sometimes it's ok to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five fic-favorites you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.

My absolute favorite, most-brilliantest fic ever is always the one I've just started or just finished. But I don't think that's what the meme is asking for, so...

1. Girls (and Jaffa) Do Not Fight Fair (SG-1) - This is probably my favorite thing I've ever written, for a couple of reasons. a) It made me laugh hysterically as I was writing it. b) It seems to have made several other people laugh, as well, and that makes me very happy. c) It took almost no effort on my part to produce, as it was content to pretty much write itself. I think if had fingers of its own to type with, it wouldn't have needed me at all. Also, it's one of the few fics that my sister and husband have both read and liked, all on their own and with no prompting from me, despite the fact that they normally skip over my fic posts.

2. Cradle Song for a Hunter's Child (SPN) - A favorite because hey, I remember how to use meter and end-rhyme! And alliteration! And I wrote fanpoetry that I didn't think was utter dreck! Woo! This reminds me, I need to get Ern to record the tune she wrote for it.

3. The Gray (SG-1) - I go back and forth on whether or not I really love this fic. I mean, I'm satisfied with how it turned out, and I feel like I got the voices and the spirit of early SG-1 in there pretty solidly...but it's not very funny. It's all thinky and angsty. Which I guess is fine,'s not funny. It's still the longest fic I've written to date, and the only time I've ever attempted a full could-be-an-episode format (what would be called a "casefic" in SPN fandom, only this is SG-1, so...a missionfic?). It was nice to find that I could, when pressed, write plot. Also, I got to work out some deep-seated philosophical issues with it, sort of. Which may not be a good thing, but whatever. If nothing else, I love it for the fact that I actually finished it, and it's there.

4. I love when parody scripts really come together and are funny and mocking while never losing that note of affection for the original material. I'm going to cheat here, and list two of mine that I think exemplify this:
The First Commandment Mockscript (SG-1)
Generic Supernatural Episode: Season 1 Edition (SPN)

5. I'm not sure this precisely counts as fanfic, because it's really more a product of me trying to write fanfic. But I kind of love some of my Arguments With Fictional Characters posts. The one where SG-1 decides what my Gen Fic Day story is going to be like (with supreme disregard for my thoughts on the matter) is probably my favorite.

And I'm not into the tagging thing, but I hope lots more people do this meme, as I'm enjoying the posts that result from it.

supernatural, my fanfic, stargate, writing

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