I have no excuse for this

Oct 01, 2008 15:44

So I was working on my Narnia fic (I was!) when this plot tribble bit me. This incredibly silly, cracky plot tribble. And it made me laugh, so I opened a new window, and I only meant to write down some notes so that I could come back later and write a ridiculous crackfic later...only I seem to have already done that, just now. I'm really not sure ( Read more... )

supernatural, my fanfic

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Comments 7

mosinging1986 October 1 2008, 23:47:36 UTC
I have no idea about that comic strip. But I loved this.

The guy in front of them orders a white chocolate mocha, and Curvy Brunette replies, "Sure thing, one Complete Abandonment of Masculinity coming up, you want extra testosterone with that?"

Mwahaha! If I burst out in inappropriate laughter the next time I'm at Starbucks and some guy orders this, I'm holding you responsible!

Sam is reduced to simply blushing in response, which makes Raven giggle.


That's when the dinosaur charges through the shop door.

Um. Whut?

and then stutters to a momentary halt on wait...a velociraptor?

Precisely my reaction.



kalquessa October 1 2008, 23:54:23 UTC
The webcomic is frequently hilarious and often convinces me that the writer/artist is having me followed. It does contain its share of PG-13 humor, though.

Glad it amused you, I was hoping I wouldn't be the only person to get a laugh out of this.


jaxomsride October 1 2008, 23:53:07 UTC
Interesting coffee shop and the boys fit right in.


kalquessa October 2 2008, 17:54:46 UTC
Heh, yeah, they really would fit in. *grin*


(The comment has been removed)

kalquessa October 2 2008, 17:54:20 UTC
Well thank you! Lurkers are always welcome, but I appreciate the temporary de-lurking to comment. Very glad it made you day shinier!


Awesome x Badass = You kcmknice December 27 2009, 05:31:52 UTC
At first I was like "There's QC fanfic?" and then I was like "Why isn't there more QC fanfic with Hot Jackasses and their Ginormatron brothers?" And then I was like "Steve was totally demon hunting with the Winchesters during his disappearence!"

Thanks for the fanon!



Re: Awesome x Badass = You kalquessa December 27 2009, 07:07:09 UTC
Bwah! Steve was totally hunting, and that's where he got the idea for his Twilight rip-off!! Heee!

(Oh, and thanks!)


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