Comic courtesy of islandboy

Feb 14, 2007 11:47

Dear snooty clients:

Regarding the odd hang-up that some of you seem to have with voice-mail (and your erroneous belief that making me write your message down by hand will somehow illicit a quicker response):

Voice-mails are recorded as sound files and sent to the recipient's e-mail. Hand-written messages also go to the recipient's e-mail. There is no reason on earth why making me sit and take your message down word by word while five other lines ring unattended should in any way affect the time it takes your attorney to respond to said message. That said, please see attached a small visual aid outlining the policy I intend to take with all future requests for hand-written messages.

Thank you for your time.

I remain your respectfully,

The Receptionist

dear sarcasm

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