Everyone else's questions are way better than mine.

Feb 14, 2007 11:08

Questions from izhilzha:

1. If you were a teacher and all the idiots of the world were your pupils, what sentence would you most often make them write 100 times on the blackboard?
"I will not be willfully obtuse."

2. Suggest a book that needs to be adapted to film.
Well, I would have said So You Want to Be a Wizard, but apparently that is being made into a film, or it might be, at any rate. Hm. I would love to see a Time Traveler's Wife movie, but I would most likely hate it because it's a gigantic book, and all my favorite parts would certainly be cut or changed beyond recognition. Oh! I know! Airborn by Kenneth Oppel! That book was so much fun, and would make such an awesome film!

3. If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?
At home, watching Stargate. Seriously, I am a crackhead. It's getting really unhealthy.

4. You're an astronaut going to work on the moon base for six months, and have room for exactly three books. Which ones do you take?
LOTR, for comfort reading (I'm counting this as one book, because my copy actually is). Then I would have to select two books from my to-read list, which would be almost impossible to do, but I think I'd end up taking The Far Pavilions by Kaye (because it's very long, looks really engaging and well-written, and came recommended by a reliable source) and Feet of Clay by Pratchett (because I know I want to continue reading the Watch series, and I know I can depend on Pratchett to make me laugh).

5. What is your favorite mythical creature, and why?
Oh, very difficult. I'd like to say the unicorn, but Peter S. Beagle's awesome book is counterbalanced by a glut of incredibly uninspired art involving pastel moons and waterfalls and what are essentially white horses with horns. So I can't quite bring myself to say my favorite mythological creature is a unicorn. Instead I'll say it's the Sphinx because the version in The Voyage of the Basset fetched me and because she does riddles, which I love.
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