(no subject)

Feb 14, 2007 10:38

Questions from jd3000:

1. Favorite surf song?
Uh...I'm drawing a blank, here. I mean, I could say "Surfin' USA" because that actually has "surf" in the title, and I know most of the words, and it's fun to sing in a cheesy sort of way...but I don't know if it qualifies as "favorite" so much as "only one I can think of at the moment."

2. If you could pick any task to be able to perform completely in 60 seconds, what would it be?

3. If you could suddenly find a videotaped record of any childhood moment, which would you want?
Me "reading" (or rather reciting from memory) a picture book to my maternal grandfather. This is one of my earliest memories, but I don't really recall very well what Grandpa was like (passed away when I was five) beyond photographs and vague memories, so having a video would be awesome.

4. You've been augmented with alien DNA. What neat trick of biology would you suddenly want to be able to do?
Read books super fast ala Daniel and Jack in the alien armband ep of SG-1. I think my mouth was actually hanging open with insane envy when they did that.

5. Your favorite dessert recipe? :-D
My mom's Black Forest Brownies. They're a regular brownie mix with a tablespoon or so of mayo added to the recipe (I know, it sounds unspeakably gross, but try it before you knock it) and topped with cream cheese and cherry pie filling. Your can actually feel your teeth rotting out of your head while eating them.
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