SG-1 Season 7: snark and random commentary

Feb 15, 2007 10:04

Having just finished Season 8, I think it's about time I did a rundown on Season 7. Accordingly, I give you a cut tag behind which lurks random reactions and sarcasm.

- I was very happy to get Daniel back full-time, but as noted before, I kinda took a liking to Jonas despite my better judgment. Now I miss Jonas. *sulks*

- Speaking of which, Jonas and Daniel actually make a pretty entertaining team. So many fun exchanges between the two of them.

- Wow. That kid from "Fragile Balance" must have watched a lot of episodes to get that good at being Jack.

- I have decided that Teal'c angst is no fun at all. The one good thing to come out of "Orpheus" was Jack telling Teal'c "Don't give me the eyebrow!"

- While watching "Lifeboat":

Me: Wow. That's a lot of people in cryo.

not_a_monk: And judging by the decor of their cryo pods, I'd say they were from Rivendell.

green_tea_lady: Seriously, those are some nice pods. This is like, the Hyatt of cryogenic stasis.

- Speaking of "Lifeboat," I would just like to reiterate that Janet Frasier rocks hardcore.

- "Enemy Mine" was actually the first episode of SG-1 that I ever watched for longer than five minutes. It was kind of fun to re-watch it completely, within the context of the preceding seasons.

- As usual, Felger pretty much cracks me up for the entire forty minutes. Having Carter run out of patience and start biting his head off a little was an added bonus.

- Okay, I'm going to get in trouble for saying this, but the Hak'tyl drive me up the wall. I have nothing against warrior women, as a category (obviously, I totally want to be Carter, so that's not the issue), but Hollywood rarely produces any examples that do not exasperate me. The ones dressed like extras from Xena: Warrior Princess are almost always the most annoying. Raarr, we are chicks in chainmail, hear us roar. Whatever. On the upside, at least Teal'c actually beat Ishta at sparring. If she'd kicked his ass and been all "How do you like me now?" I would have had to just stop right there and skip the rest of the ep because there are some heights of unbelievability that I won't suffer, even for Stargate.

- "Evolution" = joy. The Kull warriors are so much cooler as baddies than the Jaffa that words fail me. Jack's non-linear attempts to explain the situation to Ramius's first prime were most amusing. Daniel manages to get kidnapped and tortured without even having to leave the planet, this time, and I kind of enjoyed seeing him prove that he's got some steel to him before being rescued by Jack. Didn't hurt that he spent most of the episode sleeveless and attractively dirty. *cough* Also, Mathazaar from Galaxy Quest shows up to first annoy Jack, then blow lots of stuff up while popping his bubble-gum. I wish this weren't just a one-time appearance, we had way too much fun crying "Weeee neeeed yooour help!" at him every time he came on screen.

- I was actually really intrigued by the portrayal of a Goa'uld who was not 100% ebil all the time in "Fallout." Unfortunately my happiness was tempered by the fact that she and Jonas shared a haircut and made a very androgynous couple.

- Speaking of which, Jonas and Daniel should really form some sort of support group for guys who inevitably attract women who a) are currently evil, b) will shortly become evil, or c) were evil in the recent past.

- Okay, I actually like Pete. Care thinks he's too squishy, and I know he's the devil for not being Jack, and all, but he's funny and cute and related to Dom DeLuise and I like him. Not as much as Jack, of course, but. Yeah.

- Survival!Carter vs. the Super Solider for teh win!

- "Heroes" was another ep that I saw way back before I started officially watching the show, so I knew Frasier was going to die. I made the mistake of mentioning this fact to my husband a few season ago, causing him to ask "Didn't she die?" every time she appeared on-screen (at first, I think he was genuinely confused, but after that he just kept doing it to get my goat). I had my revenge when he walked in during the scene where the tape of Frasier's last minutes is playing. Right on cue, Bill says "Didn't she die?" and we all wail in chorus "Yes, she did!" and appear heartbroken. Which forced him to slink away looking chastised. Muaha.

- Dear Amanda Tapping and Michael Shanks: Look, guys, "Resurrection" was a decent episode, and I like the X-files, too, but really. If you wanted to pretend to be Mulder and Scully, there were subtler ways to go about it.

- So. "Lost City." Um. Wow.

Also: I'm currently out of Stargate right now, since I don't have access to Season 9 and 10 yet. Furthermore, I haven't written any parody scripts in forever. I have one or two in mind that I'd like to re-watch for the purpose of snarking them, but I thought I'd also open the floor for suggestions. If you have an episode that you would like to see submitted to half-baked satire, comment with the title (and the season number would be handy) and I'll take it under advisement.

stargate, parody scripts

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