Home again! (sorta)

Oct 07, 2005 21:16

We've moved in! Well, last week, actually, but we've been preposterously busy. Put a fence around the backyard, got pets to put inside the fence, wanted to paint, argued endlessly over paint colors (hubby wants to paint everything dark blue and green. My inner Thom Filicia shudders at the thought), finally got paint, and then proceeded to slop it ineptly all over the walls. Also the trim, which was supposed to stay white, so now we must repaint the trim without slopping white all over the walls again. I forsee an endless cycle of fixes until we lose ten square feet of floor space to the many layers of paint on the walls.

Anyway. It's Army housing, which means cinderblock walls and craptastic vinyl flooring, but hey, what did we really expect? We're paying exactly nothing a month to live here, so we're willing to deal with ratty window blinds and an ancient gas oven that doesn't know what "digital" means. I had never in my life seen a gas oven before last Friday, much less cooked on one. It's been interesting.

But, on the plus side, we made wise choices with our pets from the Humane Society; a cat and a dog who get along well with each other and are patient with the kids. The cat, especially, is some strange breed that will lay quietly while the baby tugs his ears and pinches his feet. He's extraordinarily sweet and cuddly, and rubs against my legs at unexpected moments. I've missed having a cat so much, and I'm already besotten with this fat orange stripey guy.

Also, cable! My DVR, oh honey, I've missed you. And my precious high speed internet, if I could kiss you, we'd so be making out on the couch right now. I've been catching up like mad between home improvements and other settling-in type stuff. So many stories! I'm terribly behind with Atlantis, but hope to catch the episodes I missed with the aid of my DVR. (Did I mention how much I love that thing?) Really, if you're considering getting one, and are not quite sure you can afford it, then don't do it. Because once you get it, you will never go back, no matter how many other bills go unpaid on the altar of cable television.

In somewhat fandom related news, my computer, and with it my split keyboard, is still being shipped here (Didja know it takes nearly two months to ship a bunch of boxes from Hawaii to Texas? It does. These guys are so not using FedEx), so I am confined to the laptop with its evil touch screen that relocates the cursor at startling and inconvenient moments and its tiny tiny keys. Still, when Darcy looked me up and asked me to collaborate with her on a missing scene for our story, There is a Season, I managed a few bits. Anyone know an LJ comm that takes SG1 kidfic?

I'll post the scene here too, if anyone is interested in the further adventures of Little Daniel. It's a Christmas scene, pretty short, and shamelessly fluffy. If you made it all the way through Season and liked it, you'll probably like the scene. I'm not sure--is anyone on my Flist a kidfic fan?

personal, moving, sg1

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