Dial-up! OMG teh eval

Sep 26, 2005 12:58

So here we are in Ft. Bliss, finally. We can't move into housing for another week (which is a far shorter wait than I anticipated, so that's good, at least) and all our furniture and basically everything we own is still in boxes somewhere on a truck getting here, but hey, we're here! And the hotel room is in a military lodging, which makes it super cheap, but also lacking internet. (The withdrawal is killing me, y'all.)

But we figured, there is a phone line in the room, and our computer does have a modem, so we got one of those free AOL eleventy million hour CDs from the post office and blammo, internet access. But it's dial-up. And even more hideous, it's AOL.



Now, I cast no aspersion on those of you who choose to use AOL on a regular basis. It does get you there, after all; there's something to be said for free internet access. I've just been so spoiled with my cable and then my DSL. Livejournal took a whole thirty seconds to load and I was wailing and rending my clothing. (No, not really. But almost.)

Anyway. Am finally online again, and have scads and scads of catching up to do. Sadly, I missed every SG1 and Atlantis episode since Trinity, because hotels are evil and carry only basic cable, not the Sci-Fi Channel. I want to download them, but you know. Dial-up. So that has to wait.

But, on a far happier and delighted squeeful note, CSI is broadcast on major network cable and I saw the season six premiere! And I was so very giddy and fangirlish, because dude, new eppy!


1. Nicky. Boucing back so well, and you even got a better haircut, go you. I read lots of squeeing online after seeing the premiere down in the 1 hour time limit hotel business center, and everyone said it already, but Nicky! Love! And the bug, and that embarrassed, nervous little glance around after he brushed it off. I think he's not nearly as over it as he wants everyone to think.

2. The SHMAG! (The folks over at oh_no_nicky know what this is.) Grissom! Grissom and Nick having that insanely cute little discussion about the flying car. *pets them*

3. Greg and Sara and the car trunk even though it was EWWWWWW it was still, you know, Greg and Sara. I think they might the only het couple I actually like on this show. Except, perhaps, for...

4. Warrick and Cath! And I literally said "What the fuck" loud enough to hear in the hallway when Warrick said he was married. I mean, dude? After a couple months and then to just do it and not tell anyone? Fools rush in, you know. I don't think that relationship is going to weather well. But Warrick and Cath got to air some things and that was good.

5. Nicky! It needed to be said twice.

There are a lot more things, but really, it's been covered so well already. I'm coming late to the squee party, I fear. Also, I wish very much that I could have recorded it so I could watch it more than once. Add that puppy to the to-be-downloaded list.

So. To sum up: Nicky! *squee bounce flail* SHMAG, Greg, WTFWarrick, team-back-together, *squee* Nicky!

Yeah. I have such intelligent and reasoned responses to these things.

Anyway, in other news, the kidlet did get into a preschool here and her first day was today. I go to pick her up in a couple hours. (Quiet! Yay!) She'll get the speech therapy and everything, and the class is bilingual so she may pick up some Spanish. The downside is that it's only a half day program, so that's three hours a day of peace instead of six. But we should get bus transport after today, which adds to the time and cuts down the hassle. Still, I'm glad to have her back in that environment where she can continue improving her language and catch up to her peers. Plus, you know. Quiet.

A final request: recs? I'm caught up and fully spoiled in CSI so I can read anything there, but I'm way behind on Atlantis so maybe older recs? Or spoiler free fics? I don't mind being spoiled, but if a story depends heavily on the plot of an episode I haven't seen, I'll be rather lost. Pretty please? With Nicky on top? *g*

moving, csi, recs

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