Space Whale Tear Jerker: I have no adequate descriptor

Jun 03, 2009 13:18

Oh, oakenguy, I love you.

oakenguy:Were you aware that you share a birthday with me, AND with Daniel Rand? And that this birthday falls in the week I'll be in San Francisco? True Fact!

kali921: Wait, your birthday is on September 21st?! REALLY? AND that's Danny Rand's birthday?

oakenguy: Wait, wait, are we going by official BIRTH birthday, or by the day your 'parents' found the pod in the cornfield? It's so hard to keep continuity straight.

kali921: Official Exited-the-Palace-of-Jade-Mysteries Birthday, not the "...and that was the day I became the Punisher/was whipped up in a centrifuge by Nathaniel Essex/exited my birthing matrix already thirsting for minions" birthday! (The Entered the Palace of Jade Mysteries is a whole OTHER celebration that took place probably nine months earlier.)

...One of the reasons that we all love LJ, of course, is that we can have these kinds of intertextual conversations with people, but whenever I talk to Bri, I honestly feel fiction's very-much-imminent collision with reality.*


Usual and Mandatory Warning: there is mention of TV Tropes in this entry. Fly! Fly, you fools!

So, I'm not sure if this is an example of Unfettered Cosmic Consonance or Fortuitous & Jungian Fandom Collision, but today, having an almost unbearable and soul-crushingly gargantuan pile of tasks to do at work, I went and looked at TV Tropes' Launches page. (I periodically check this page when I want to slice my productivity with the so-sharp-that-it-slices-your-quantum-superposition-in-half katana that is TV Tropes.)

What do I see?

Space Whale Tear Jerker. "Occono," I have no idea who you are, but clearly someone's been reading Green Lantern.

No, really.

(C'mon, I'm not the only one who actually liked that Ion turned out to be a giant benevolent space whale, right? And speaking of Lanterns, Green, where is my Mogo/Mother Mercy fic?!)

Every week my Top Five Favorite Tropes changes (just like you do). Today it's Despair Event Horizon, which inadvertently caused me to peruse both the novel and film Watchmen pages on TV Tropes, and then I decided to count the differences betwixt the two, but then got lost in compiling a list of how many tropes I successfully predicted that Matthew Goode's version of Ozymandias would get, and yep, there he is with Fetish Fuel, Thirty-Five Minutes Ago (natch, for obvious reasons), Contemplative Boss, Ambiguously Gay, No Holds Barred Beatdown, Dyeing For Your Art, Bullet Time, etc., etc., although he didn't get Evil Is Stylish, and that's...unfortunate, given that Snyder had Adrian wandering around in PURPLE SATIN ITALIAN-CUT VALENTINO-HOMAGED SUITS and hair styled to within an inch of its silky blonde life.

You know, for a while there, before we all knew that the Snyder changed the ending of the film and took out the Death!Squid, I was seriously scared that Snyder would KEEP the squid but give us Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu. Small mercies, small mercies. (Then I read Kieron Gillen's Beta Ray Bill: Green of Eden and there was the missing space!squid! I keep meaning to ask Kieron if he did that as some kind of Karma Balancing for all the Watchmen fans who were provoked to bilious ire due to the absence of fluorescent cephalopods, and no, we're not getting into how Beta Ray Bill is a walking compendium of When All You Have Is A Hammer.)

Speaking of Kieron Gillen, after some initial "please, for the love of every deity ever, DO NOT SCREW THIS UP," I'm increasingly curious to see what Beta Ray Bill: Godhunter will be like.

Look at this page of pencilled art by Kano from BRB: Godhunter. Look at this Galactus. I mean, it's hard to NOT make Big Pimpin' G look Kirbytastic, terrifying, and imposing, but let your optic nerves play slowly over this image. As in closely.

See that speck at the bottom? That's Beta Ray Bill.

About to take on the Ravager of Worlds.

I believe -- and I doubt that anyone will strongly disagree with me -- that this is the artistic version of "...It's on now, bitch."

Switching now from epic cosmic battles to Furyian Badassery, look at THIS:

The sexiest thing I have seen in the last six months, that being the cover to Thunderbolts #135:

Nick Fury, resplendent in his Eyepatch of Hotness, holding an alarmingly large firearm to Norman Osborn's head.

What with all the Dark Reign nonsense, if events in the Marvelverse do not play out such that Nick Fury eventually ACTUALLY DOES blow Norman Osborn away in example #23957498739473 of Why You Don't Mess With Nick Fury, I' my disappointment in suitably vitriolic ways, possibly topped off with a pyrotechnic sculpture** and interpretive dance***.

So, Ryan Reynolds is a huge Deadpool AND Cable fanboy. Who does he want to appear in the hopefully upcoming Deadpool film? Why, Nathan Christopher Charles Dayspring Summers Askani'son AND Black Tom Cassidy! What, no Terry Cassidy? But I thought Big Damn Antiheroes Want Redheads. TV Tropes, you have lied to me.

But wait! Cease your prattle! What does Rob Liefeld think of this whole Deadpool solo film? Let's ask him! (Not My Real Daddy! Not My Real Daddy!)



I'm...unsure how to proceed after actually linking to an interview with Rob Liefeld. Is there formal etiquette for this sort of thing, or at least a Learning Annex course? What do I do?

* This idea is perhaps best expressed by Grant Morrison.

** Explosions.

*** Gestures, possibly obscene.

oakenguy, kieron gillen, unfettered rage, nick fury, cosmic equilibrium, comics, awesome, tv, deadpool, solicits, galactus, marvel, hot, i have no adequate descriptor, hawtness, siryn

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