You know what we lack around here? Optimus Prime getting head butted.

Jun 04, 2009 08:13

Good morning, flist.

You know what we haven't had enough of around here?

Giant robots.

Look, I'm well aware that Michael Bay committed some serious heresy in the first Transformer film (heresy that is best immediately purged from your memory because otherwise we all have to remember that Bay's first film means that all the Autobots and Decepticons are Ruined Forever™).

But. I just saw the HD trailer for Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen. I saw the first version of the trailer, and I'm going to say something that I never thought that I'd type about a Michael Bay film's promotional materials: this trailer is a masterpiece.

>> T2: Revenge of the Fallen trailer <<

Edit: I found an embeddable version:

Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen - #1 Trailer
Uploaded by hawkbcn. - Up-to-the minute news videos.

How's THAT for starting off your Friday?

If you're impatient, just forward to 1:27, because PISSED OFF BUMBLEBEE, and HOSHIT, did someone just BROOKLYN HEAD BUTT OPTIMUS PRIME? (Which Decepticon IS that head butting Prime?) Yeah, there's the usual Bay military fetishism, but on the other hand, if you've got a hundred Decepticons invading Earth, they might as well pwn the entire American navy just in the act of landing, you know? Saves time. And Demolisher at the end. Oh. Mah. Gawd. You don't even have to know anything about the Transformers universe to understand how freakin' AWESOME that visual is.

The sound. It's like Bay asked Lustmord to record a slow and hauntingly chilling ambient industrial track to pace this trailer. It starts off slow and then builds, builds, builds.

Clearly the people who made this trailer decided that the best thing to do was just get all the humans the hell out of the way and let the giant pissed off robots do their thing to sell this film. Clearly this film is a lot darker than the first one, which in my mind can only be a positive.

So, yeah. I'm going to have to suck it up and go see the film. I'll continue to ignore everything but Autobots and Decepticons trying to beat the everloving shit out of each other. Apparently this film IS more robotcentric; Prime's role has been increased substantially, and that's only just and right, because everything's better with Prime. Bumblebee is apparently...going to be throwing down with anyone and everyone that tries to mess with Sam.

It's either a very good or very bad thing that the BEST thing I've yet seen in 2009 is that ending sequence of Demolisher (who, I'd like to remind everyone playing along at home, is essentially a giant evil unicycle) trashing the fuck out of that freeway as he rolls on through without so much as blinking an optic. (He is HUGE in this film. Look at him!)

I can't even identify all the Decepticons, but I definitely see Arcee!

Here's the second official trailer, aka the sucktastic one, despite Devastator manifesting at one point:

image Click to view

See how LAME it is compared to the second?

I keep wondering, however, if the franchise continues...will THIS eventually show up?

image Click to view

...And will it end with Galvatron blowing up a therapy planet?

Then there's the first official G.I. Joe trailer, which starts out promisingly with the Eiffel Tower being collapsed and Snake Eyes, but then there's the sequence that was clearly ripped off frame by frame from the first Transformers film:

G.I. Joe trailer

It's like a sundae of lame topped with a lame cherry! So. Sad.

transformers, whut is this, trailers, awesome, film

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