So, while in Taiwan, I found the RurouKen figure set I've been lusting after! I hope they come out with a second series (with Yahiko and Saitou, optimally) because these are gorgeous.
I was surprised that Shishio was a part of the set, but apparently he's actually pretty popular? (More importantly, he's one of Watsuki's favorites! ♥) Maybe in Japan. I feel like I'm the only one adoring him in Rurouni Kenshin forums/communities/whatnot.
But he really is my favorite villain of all time.
I took pictures of Shishio first (and to be honest, he's my favorite of the set), so there are more pictures of him than the others.
What kind of ninja wears a trenchcoat with a giant gold collar? Oh, Aoshi. Your fashion sense is terrible.
It's okay, though, cuz I love him anyway.
Holding his kodachi backhanded... that must mean... KAITEN KENBU ROKUJAOIJFEWPOIRJEWOAIREN!!
Kaoru has pegs on the bottoms of her feet, so her photos are marred by the stand.
It's also funny because everyone else's stand says some cool thing like the name of their biggest technique (or in Kenshin's case, "BA-TTOU-SAIIIIIIIII"), but hers just has her name.
I don't really like the way her face was painted, compared to the guys... it makes her look out-of-place.
Her kimono is pretty, though.
I'm the Battousai, bitch!
I think I put his sword in wrong. I can't tell. *dumb*
I kept trying to put his headband ties in wrong, because of all the positions I thought they could possibly go, I never thought it'd be STRAIGHT UP.