Pullip survey taken from
-Basic Dolly Info-
1} Who is your favorite full-sized Pullip, and why?: Anne. She is so sweet and wholesome and subtly pretty, cute and versatile, warm and 110% charming!! Plus of course the obvious fact that she was based on my favorite literary character ever ever ever ever. *foams*
2} Who's your favorite mini? Why do you like her the most?: I've been really into Calfy and Froggy lately... I really want one or the other, but I dunno which~ >:
3} Favorite Taeyang/Namu?: Filato! I just really like his faceup~ he's so handsome.
4} Least favorite Pullips/Taeyangs/Namus, and why?: LRRH. With the red hair and green eyes and red harlot lips and yellow eye makeup, she's just so gaudy and clashy and icky. I don't like any of the Namus except Serpent and HB1, but Kung Fu Fai in particular is just icky to me. The color of his lips gives me the creeps.
5} Type 1, Type 2, or Type 3? Type 2. T^T I haaaate type 3 hands and feet; they're ugly AND hard to pose.
-All About You!-
6} If you could change yourself to look like any Pullip/Taeyang/Namu, who would you want to look like?: Papin or Chicca. And not for the outfits, although it may seem that way because their stock are similar...
7} Who's stock outfit do you wish you could hit with a 'growing ray' and make fit you?: Stica's, because I have a maid fetish. :x
8} Which Pullip/Taeyang/Namu do you think you're most like?: Paja. Gao~ gao~
9} What inspires you for the names of your dolls?: Stuff...?
10} What sort of Pullip do you hope/wish JP will release next?: MOAR REDHEADS PLZ. I'd say Beressa, too, but I know that's a little much... both a doll that looks like her but in another outfit or a different military-themed Pullip would be great, though.
-Just For Fun-
11} Think of 'theme songs' for your favorite Pullips, or your own dolls! See
profiles post.
-My Silly Questions-
12} Should there be a ninja Pullip to rival Rovam, the pirate?! Yesyesyesyes YESYESYES! Ninjas are far superior to pirates. More bathing, less scurvy.
13} Why do you think Carol looks so sad about Christmastime? Because her face is shiny but no one bought her oil absorbing sheets for Christmas. No one bought her any chapstick, either, and she could've used some of that, too.
14} Moon or Mitzi? Mitzi
15} Bianca or Noir? Bianca
16} Cornice or Raphia? Raphia
17} Squall or Bouquet? Bouquet
18} Nero or Oren? Nero
19} Mercu or Jupi? Jupi
20} Lan Ai or Lan Ake? Lan Ai
21} Papin or Chicca? Papin
22} Paja or Panda? Paja
23} Your favorite of the RM girls? Souseiseki. And hopefully Kanaria.
24} Namu - Yea or Nay? No thanks.
25} Purezza dolls - Super-cute or too much of the same thing? Their eyebrows are so damn YELLOW- blech. If it weren't for that, they'd be cute, but not worth the price tag or the multipe releases.