Why couldnt I do it?! U.U

Jan 07, 2008 13:18

So wow I havent used LJ in a long time and to tell you the truth I might start to use this more. I've done a lot since I last posted on here. But I just recently got back from CA, I would have to say though I had a really good time......got to see family I havent seen in awhile and friends who I too havent seen in a long ass time. I got to go to my favorite mexican restautant where I used to live in Corona, CA....I actually got to go there twice which was freaking awesome. I got to see my hardcore awesome aunt for a little bit, sucks that she was only there for a short bit but it was still good to see her. The only thing that I didnt like was that I didnt stay there long enough, only got to see one friend for 7 hours and to me thats not enough time...not even close at all.

Got to visit my friend Ragsdale, who actually picked me up from grandparents house and I got to stay with him for 3 days at his house with him and his mom, she took us to all these japanese stores where they sell anime and bunch of other badass stuff. So did that for about an hour or two and that was fun, came back ordered a pizza for dinner and watched AMV 4....and watched Death Sentence and then I txt my friends telling them Happy New Years....and no I didnt drink( you dont have to drink to have fun)But anyways got ahold of my friend Kry who lived about an hour away from where Ragsdale lived so we took off so I could hang out with her. The drive down wasnt that bad really, actually went by really fast. So we get to Camarillo.....she is still babysitting so she has us meet her at Coldstone....she gets there around 6-ish and we just chill with her and two of her friends. Then we drive up to a park to hang out for the rest of the night it seemed swinging and listening to disney music on her ipod. I thnk we stay a good 3-4 hours there or atleast it seemed like that much time. Went to Del Taco and got her something to eat and then just drove around and then it was time to say good-bye. I think that was the worst part of my trip saying good bye to her.

So that was the end of that trip and I went back the grandparents house the next day. I dont know but something inside me wasnt feeling right, I just broke down......I couldnt stop, I dont know what it was. I had/have never felt this way about someone in my life, something about her that makes me happy when I was around her. I know she might not have the same feelings towards me....and thats fine, but when I was with her I just wanted to tell her how I feel about her. I dont want to wait a year before I get to see her again. Am I foolish to be thinking about her this much or even trying because someone at work told me to just forget about her....its not that easy and I dont want to forget about her. If you(Kry) do read this please dont freak out, its just the way I feel and I wanted to tell you but I couldnt because I'm afraid of what your reaction of this might be....because I dont want to lose you as a friend. So now its off to work I go.
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