Happy New Years, all! I have decided my New Years resolution will be to write more. Let's see if I can actually stick with it this time... I'm currently working on a couple of '50 sentences' challenges...and of course, at least one of them won't be eligible to post to the original community due to it not really being rule-compliant. Stupid no-
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So I was flipping through random profiles over on the Pit -- I tend to randomly check out profiles of reviewers/favouriters/whatever just for kicks -- and I happened across one where they mention how - just once - they would like to see a band!fic where it isn't girls band vs boys band BATTLE OF THE SEXAAAAAAAS, which apparently most band!fic seems
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No, really, I'm ecstatic that you've finally decided to allow me to start writing again, but did you really have to do it at 2am when I have work in the morning?
Also: I wonder if reading Insecticomics and hunting around TFwiki is really a good basis for writing Vector Prime's character, or if maybe I ought to see if I can find some
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Why did I decide to write about six kids criss-crossing the continental US in a post-Armageddon-ish world where they need to stay hidden and cars are generally not an option? And why did I include a kid in a wheelchair and a six-year old?
Also, it likely would help if I'd actually been to any of the cities I'm planning on writing about, rather than
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Okay, seriously, why is it that whenever I get the urge to bake it's one o'clock in the morning. I mean, really? I can't do this mid-afternoon or something? It. Might also have something to do with the fact that I just cleaned the kitchen a few hours ago but DETAILS. Also, I was just reading Mixed Vegetables which is ridiculous shoujo about a
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