Kaisoommer 2015?

Sep 20, 2014 18:02

If you wouldn't mind helping us with just one more thing, please take a moment to submit a response to this poll~ We'd like to have a good idea of how many people would be interesting in participating in a second round of Kaisoommer (which, just so any of you aren't misled, will most likely happen, since Modperor will probably be less busy this time next year~). Thank you in advance ^^


(P.S. Just like we said, we'd be publicly banning people from Round 2015 if they broke certain rules. The people banned from the next round are kaiice and scarletdreams21, both kicked for unresponsiveness far too late into the exchange. No complaints about us being mean, please--it was specified in the rules and in the messages we sent ^^ Thank you for understanding!)


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