Kaisoommer 2015?

Sep 20, 2014 18:02

If you wouldn't mind helping us with just one more thing, please take a moment to submit a response to this poll~ We'd like to have a good idea of how many people would be interesting in participating in a second round of Kaisoommer (which, just so any of you aren't misled, will most likely happen, since Modperor will probably be less busy this ( Read more... )


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parkourdeer October 13 2014, 16:28:49 UTC
So sorry for not responding to this earlier-I totally didn't see this.

Your feedback is certainly allowed! Thanks for letting us know~ Originally I'd wanted to have more time between the end of postings and the guess post, but it was tough because I'm doing my college applications right now and the exchange ended up spanning more time than I'd planned so I had to wrap it up quickly in order to direct my full attention to academic work.

Thank you for letting us know, though! We'll definitely take that into account for next year's schedule.


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