✸ round 2: rules & sign-ups! ✸

Jan 06, 2015 20:01

(cr. Die Jungs)

Get ready for the second round of kaisoommer, the one and only Kaisoo-centered fic exchange!

✸ | About
Kaisoommer is a pairing-centered, summertime fic exchange for the [indisputibly] greatest one of EXO's forty five possible pairings! Whether you enjoy the dynamics between Do Kyungsoo and Kim Jongin as friends, boyfriends, husbands, worst enemies or whatever else you can possibly come up with, Kaisoommer exists to cater to all your Kaisoo reading, writing, and prompting desires.

Established on Christmas day of 2013 by stars_in_love, jesstoast, and parkourdeer, Kaisoommer now begins its march towards a second round of exchange glory (this time, maybe with some extra twists added on)! There's still quite a bit of time until June, but Kaisoommer is rapidly approaching! Watch or join the community to keep posted; should you have any questions, contact us either at kaisoommer@gmail.com, or on twitter at @kaisoommer!
✸ | Rules
  1. Please only sign up for this exchange if you are absolutely certain of your commitment. We understand that real life can be unpredictable and that you may need to drop out. While we encourage you to only do so as a last resort, this rule is not made to discourage you from dropping out in the case that you need to; rather, we would just like to make sure that everyone who signs up fully intends to complete this exchange from start to finish. Please make sure that you sign up for this fic exchange intending to go through the whole thing.
  2. When signing up, you must give us an email that you check regularly. Important announcements and information will be sent by email. Those who do not respond to our emails for three days will be kicked out of the exchange. Should this happen before the first check-in/drop out deadline, you will be considered a dropout from the exchange. Should this happen afterwards, you will be kicked out and banned from the next round of Kaisoommer. Specific rules regarding emails on check-ins and due dates will be listed below the schedule.
  3. All fics must contain Kaisoo as the main pairing. This is a Kaisoo fic exchange after all. OT3 pairings will be allowed, but Kaisoo must be the focus of the fic.
  4. The minimum word count of this exchange is 2,500 words. Given that this exchange takes place over summer, we believe we have provided enough time for the minimum word count to be reached. Of course, you are free to write more, and we will be reasonably lenient with the minimum (eg. 2,499 words is okay, but 2,000 words is kind of ridiculous). Please try to reach (and, even better, surpass) the minimum word count, as there is a reason that it’s there. If you’re convinced that writing something below 2,500 words is the only way you can write a satisfactory fic, please contact the mods at kaisoommer@gmail.com and we will discuss the matter with you in further detail.
  5. Do not, under any circumstances, reveal your identity to anyone other than a beta (who should not be participating in the exchange). Having a beta is recommended, and of course your beta would know which fic is yours, but part of the fun of the exchange is in the reveals (a guess post may also be featured)! Please don’t ruin it for your recipient or anyone else.
  6. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. No warnings will be given. Should you plagiarize, you will be publicly admonished and banned from all future rounds.
  7. Keep comments polite. If the writer has not specifically asked for criticism in their public author’s note, do not criticize. Supportive comments only! Kaisoommer’s journal is not the right place to offer critique.
  8. This exchange runs on American Samoa Time (SST). All submissions will be counted on time so long as they are due on the listed date before 11:59PM SST. Thus, as long as it is still that day anywhere in the world, your submission will be counted as on-time.
  9. With that said, have fun!
✸ | Schedule

❊ Sign-ups open: May 16
❊ Sign-ups close: May 23
❊ Assignments sent: May 30
❊ First check-in (750 word min.)/Drop out deadline: June 27
❊ Second check-in (1,500 word min.): July 25
❊ Final submissions (2,500 word min.): August 22
❊ Posting begins: August 29
❊ Guess Who?: TBD
❊ Reveals: TBD
All dates after the final submissions are currently tentative, and will be updated ASAP on both this post as well as the sidebar. This schedule gives you twelve full weeks (three months) to write 2,500 words. Pinch-hitters will be notified the day after the drop out deadline (June 28) and have until August 29 to turn in their fics.

Check-ins are important. Further information about check-ins will be sent to you as time draws nearer, and that is why it is imperative that you check your emails and respond to ours. We will not be lenient about the following repercussions, as we will strive to ensure that the exchange is a satisfactory experience for everyone.

Check-ins must be turned in on time! Extensions will be allowed, but for the sake of the mods’ sanity, please do try to let us know as quickly as possible. If you do not turn in your check-in on time, there will be a three day window where we will try to contact you through alternative means, be it Tumblr, Twitter, or another email you have provided us with. If you do not respond during this three day window with a proper reason (eg. technical emergency, family emergency, etc.) as to why your check-in is late, you will be removed from the exchange and you will essentially have dropped out.

Your writer will be alerted (if they opt to know, as some writers would prefer not to) and will be allowed to deviate from the prompt as much as they would like to and will write a “to everybody” fic as to deter people from signing up, giving prompts, and dropping out just so that they get a fic written for them. People who are found participating in such actions will face consequences, as it is only fair to the writers who are working hard to take the exchange seriously.
✸ | Sign-ups
Email address:
Alternative contact (e.g. Tumblr, twitter, etc.):

Prompts you’d like to see written (at least three):

Will not write: (e.g. specific kinks, MPREG, anything you don’t feel comfortable with writing)
Do not want to see: (e.g. MPREG, genderbend, rape, anything you don’t want to read)
Preferred genre(s) to write (if any):

Would you be willing to pinch-hit?:
Would you like to know if your recipient drops out?:

As a guideline for prompts, please refrain from giving prompts that are too specific or too general, as the former takes away from the writer’s ability to explore the prompt by their own creative means and the latter makes it difficult for the writer to properly satisfy the recipient’s prompt. The following are examples of prompts that may be useful to you when you are signing up:

❊ Bad prompt (too vague): Oedipus!AU.
❊ Bad prompt (too specific): When his son is born, Kyungsoo’s father (Junmyeon) discovers that he is cursed to marry his mother, girl!Jongin, and kill his father. Junmyeon sends Kyungsoo in a basket down the river in hopes of preventing the future events, where he is picked up by an old couple (Chanyeol and girl!Baekhyun) and taken care of. One day, bird!Luhan comes to Kyungsoo’s house and tells him that he is actually destined to be a king and should return home so he leaves the old couple in search of the throne, where he meets Jongin and falls in love with her before deciding that he must kill Junmyeon by a sword fight in order to be with her.
❊ Good prompt: Oedipus!AU with Kyungsoo as Oedipus and Jongin as Jocasta, where Kyungsoo’s primary motivation to ascend the throne comes from his love for Jongin rather than ambition.
In addition, since we are aware that many may not be able to participate throughout the entire exchange, we are offering strictly pinch-hit sign-ups! DO NOT FILL IN BOTH FORMS! Use the form below if and only if you want to pinch-hit, but not participate for the full exchange. Again, pinch-hitters will be given assignments on June 28 and have until August 29 to write (approximately 9 weeks). Some pinch-hitters will be given short-notice assignments, as last year many people had emergencies that caused them to drop out even after postings had already begun. Do let us know if you'd be willing to do an urgent, short-notice pinch-hit!

Email address:
Alternative contact (e.g. Tumblr, twitter, etc.):

Will not write: (e.g. specific kinks, MPREG, anything you don’t feel comfortable with writing)
Preferred genre(s) to write (if any):

Would you be willing to pinch-hit on short notice?:
Would you like to know if your recipient drops out?:
Now that all that’s out of the way…
Should you need to ask questions or contact us for any reason, we can be reached on twitter, by PM’ing parkourdeer, or by emailing kaisoommer@gmail.com! We hope you have as much fun with this exchange as we will running it! Writers, get that creativity going; readers, prepare for the impending onslaught of Kaisoo!Sign-ups are currently CLOSED!

!modpost, round: 2015

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