Lesson 1: The first step to opening communication to an estranged child is honest communication with yourself. Stop pretending the relationship between the two of you actually is how you see it. Instead, try to see it as it actually is.
I always knew Faux "News" had really bad reporting (which is why I've been watching AlJazeera for news on the Egyptian revolt), but they couldn't even get the map right?
Actually, it feels kinda cool to know that we haven't been forgotten in the whole terror campaign. I mean, we are the most godless area of the country, if kinda out of the way. Also, really? Corvallis?
First, plans for next year. I had planned to spend a week in Vegas with mum and then go down the next month for my cousin's wedding. After seeing what's been going on with the TSA and airport screenings, I'm thinking of canceling. I don't know about you, but I would rather just not fly at all than either become a prostitute or a porn star just
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Living in a valley has turned me into a wimp. Normally nothing less than a tornado about half a mile from my house would get me to blink. But I had a serious debate with myself all last night and this morning about even going to the wedding. See, we were in Tulsa, and the wedding was in Norman, which is on the other side of Oklahoma City from
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