F you in the A, B!!!

Mar 10, 2005 23:56

I forgot to mention that I did some wicked stuff while mechanicing a deck of cards yesterday.  What happened was that I dealt out a pair of aces (clubs and hearts) to myself and a pair of shit cards to my opponent in the standard Hold ‘em way.  I burned and turned and by sheer dumb luck, ended up with a 2, 3, and 4 on the flop in clubs, a 5 of clubs on the turn, and a 6 of spades on the river.  It was utterly amazing.  So, now Hodgden refuses to play cards with me...he he he.

Today started out with me grumpy, cranky, and very tired.  It got lots better as the day went on.  Apparently I got a B on the Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay which was very interesting.  She made some comment about how you can’t truly analyze a book unless you’ve read it and I said, “according to this, I beg to differ.” Or something like that.  In sixth period, Liem got on my nerves again.  He was like, “We haven’t had a quiz in a long time.”  I told him, “That’s a good thing.”  He’s like, “I’m going to ask her.”  I looked at him and was like, “If you ask her to give us a quiz tomorrow, I’m going to beat you.”  And what does he go and do?  He turns right to her and says, “Ms. Nussbaum?  <-(in that ultra whiny voice) Can we have a quiz tomorrow?”  I don’t even turn to him and say, “That’s it, I’ll see you after school.”  I didn’t realize everyone was listening until they all started cracking up in class.  It was really funny.

After school, there was this whole big mission to get to practice.  At first I was going to take Renzo home and then go to practice, but the powers that be decided to screw with my life.  We couldn’t get out of the parking lot, so we were a little behind on time, so Renzo says he’ll come to practice with us.  Karen’s brother misses his bus, so I go to pick him up.  (I bumped the back of someone’s car in the middle of this.  Nothing happened to either car, but I still blame it on the piece of shit Corona that Dad made me drive.)  Going to practice we run into every piece of traffic there is and I shave off a decade or so of Karen, Karen’s Brother, and Renzo’s lives.  We get there a little before 3 and coach isn’t even there.

We did “angry lobs” and practiced shots before we scrimmaged today.  Then we did the endurance thing that killed me.  I dropped the deep end goal on my toe when I was taking it out of the pool and now my toe is busted open.  Renzo and I ended up talking to Azucena for an hour after practice…it was a good conversation.  Renzo and I get hungry, so we try to figure out where we’re eating dinner.  My house ends up being the choice.  We eat, watch the shows I taped for him, make plans for the next couple of days, buy the stuff for tomorrow’s yearbook party, get cheesecake at burger king (yum!), think the time’s later than it is, talk lots, his mother freaks out and wants him home, he goes home, and that’s about everything.

I don’t have practice tomorrow (YAY!!!)

It’s freezing cold, so I’m going to go take a shower and thaw.


quotes, classic

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