Someone's out to get me...

Mar 11, 2005 23:42


You want to talk about days from hell?  Well this was one of them.  Granted, there were some fantastic parts, but holy hell, so much crap happened to me today that I should be crying.

First I wake up late for school.  I had to go online and get some stupid articles and wind up getting to school about 20 minutes late.  I rush to finish my A.P. review for Frye and the current events in the half hour I have left before his class.  Third period was cool because we watched Chicago (yay!) and had a party where lots of food was had and I’m all for the food.  Fourth period I used to do my calc homework and then ended up taking a nap.  After that was the crepe party for NHS which was really good.  I had steak Milanese.

So after school, Renzo and I went to his house so he could change and we could grab DDR stuff.  Then, we headed over to my house where we played DDR and ate.  So, his mother calls and gets all pissed off at him for staying out every night of the week and tells him she wants him home.  This is the ongoing battle between him and his mother which sucks.  We eat whipped cream because of that and then I end up making noodles for us so we can eat.  Sam H. gets home and we head over there after noodles.  Driving to Sam’s made us realize two things:

1.  Sam cannot give directions for shit!

2.  Never again will Renzo and I go to Saga Bay at night.

We got ourselves completely and totally and horrendously lost.  It was really bad.  What makes it worse is that there are no street lights so it’s completely dark and creepy.  We kept expecting winged demons from hell to start bashing at the car or for crazed murderers to come at us because we were in the Twilight Zone…seriously.  We finally call Sam and tell her we’re lost.  The three of us end up yelling and screaming at each other about how we’re going to die and that Sam can’t give directions etc. etc.  At one point while they were trying to help us out, they asked for the street and we said, “83 ave. and 82 place” and Sam’s dad said it wasn’t possible.  We were like, “of course it’s possible, we can pull up the street sign and show you.”  Oh man…that was a mission.  When we got close enough to Sam’s dad’s house, she decides to go outside and help us out.  She says, “I’m waving, can you see me.”  Mind you, this is in the pitch black dark of night because there are no street signs.  We’re like, “of course we can’t see you!!  We can’t see anything!!  To the left it’s black, to the right it’s black, and oh, wait, in front of us is black!”  Long story short, we get to her place, play DDR and then Renzo’s mom calls to yell at him.  So, what do we do?  We head over to Sam’s mom’s house.  We see her house, room, other people, her mom, and eat Swedish meatballs.  I stole Sam’s shirt…Anyway, from there, I drop Sam back at her dad’s and then we head out of the black hold abyss that is Saga Bay.  It was easier to get out.  At the very end, right when we were getting out, I made a right instead of a left and started going down this dark street.  I couldn’t see where I was going, so I put on the fog lights and oh my God!  It was a super dark creepy street that you only see in horror movies and it freaked the hell out of us.  I immediately throw the car in reverse and get out of there.  You couldn’t pay me to go down that street at night.  So the opposite direction took us to civilization and we’re good.  At that exact point when we were escaping horror movie street, his mother calls and another long story short, she feels guilty and Renzo’s off the hook, so that problem was solved.

We get to his house, eat roti and curry shrimp, watch ANTM and KND, play with the idea of me sleeping over because I was dead tired.  I eventually get my ass up to go home and I leave.  Then I remembered that I had to feed Ashley’s dogs, so I head over to her house to feed the dogs.  Of all the shit and crap in the world that I go through.  I put the code in wrong or something, but the house alarm starts going off and blaring and I don’t know how to turn the damn thing off.  I call Ashley and she doesn’t pick up.  I call her three more times before calling her mother who doesn’t pick up.  I try to punch in the code again, and then call Ashley again.  I leave a message this time and then I call her mom and leave her a message too.  I finally get so desperate (the alarm went silent here and I was afraid the police were going to come busting through the door) that I went through my phone book and dialed the number of every person that could possibly be with them.  Ashley’s mom finally calls me and I disarm it, disengage the freak-out mode, and everything seems okay.  Her mom calls Brinks and they had to call off the cops they dispatched to the house.  Oh God…that freaked the hell out of me.  I was soo scared.  I had no idea what the hell to do.  Ugh…I just lost 20 years off my life...traumatized forever...

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