just a post about hot guys: real and fictional

Sep 16, 2010 22:23

I realize that I am waaay behind on updating and that must be remedied so I'm trying to update a little bit every day or every few days.

First order of business, Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan.  I know it's old news but I just want it on the record that YUM.  I don't care what people say about the stupid suit, the man looks hot in it.  He also matches up really well with my image of what Hal Jordan from comic to human would look like.  I'm very excited about this.  I hope he does me proud.

Next, the guy playing Alcide on True Blood is hot.  Another "Mmm, Angel" sorta moment.  I think this post is going to be full of those.  I saw him on the cover of a magazine or something and the guy looks good.  That's all I know about him.  I don't even know if he can act, but he is nice to look at.

In that vain, Alexander Skarsgård is really quite sexy.  As a human being in general, he's hot. I think he's hotter than that guy that plays Bill.  Also, he speaks another language.  That in itself is just made of great.  In the fiction book realm, I think Eric is a much better guy than Bill.  Seriously.  He's nicer to Sookie, he doesn't rape her in trunks, he's never lied or made excuses for who or what he is, he's laid bare the type of person he is since the moment Sookie met him, and when he's out of his mind, he doesn't nearly kill her but instead whispers sweet nothings to her, protects her with his life, and makes her fall in love with him because he's so awesome.  How could Eric NOT win?  So in both the real world and fiction land, Eric/guy playing Eric wins.

On a final note, there's this book series I'm reading by Eileen Wilks that's really quite good.  I reread part of a book a few months ago and I was totally thrown by something in there that i think i blocked it from my memory and didn't remember reading it the first time.  The main guy, Rule, wears thongs.  Yes, main guy.  The main girl, Lily, does not understand thongs.  I'm with her.  It just kinda freaks me out.  The fact that he has reasoning behind wearing thongs does not make it better.  If anything, it just adds another layer of weird.  I'm a boxer briefs lover myself.  Hell, I'd take commando on a guy before thongs stop weirding me out.  *shudder*  I just have to mentally force myself to forget that while reading the books.

Til next time.


movies, books, fan boy, shifters, comics, fan girl, shows

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