waffles vs. pancakes

Sep 14, 2010 03:49

So livejournal went weird and kinda messed up my layout so i decided i needed a new one to fit me because i'm not all about blue anymore.  I'm all about brown and those colors that go with it and I've changed my livejournal to reflect this.  I like it a lot now.

Next, there's a time honored debate that I feel must be visited:

Waffles Vs. Pancakes

Now, I think we all know where my loyalties lie (seeing as how i already put waffles first), but i'm going to expound upon waffles' many attributes anyway and if people read this, they could argue the point for pancakes, but since that's not happening, waffles are going to win by default.
  1. it's a texture thing

  2. See, i know that waffles and pancakes are made from the same batter, but there's a huge difference between them in texture.  I like the crispiness and the crunchy of the waffle.  Even without syrup, the pancake is kinda floppy and soggy and weird.  I can eat maybe one pancake before the mushiness makes me want to gag a little.  There's a mention of the texture thing in I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You by Ally Carter which is a really fun book.  They totally get it.  I read that a few years ago and it was one of those moments where I was like, "holy hell, yes!!  That's totally it!"  I reread the book recently and that's the basis of this post
  3. syrup pockets

  4. Really, need more be said?  Waffles have built in syrup pockets so you get delicious syrupy goodness with every bite.  The syrup just goes all over the pancakes and they often don't soak up enough syrup.
  5. taste

  6. Based solely on plain waffles/pancakes without syrup, waffles taste better.  Plain pancakes are kinda salty and have a weird aftertaste.  Waffles taste good by themselves.
  7. portability

  8. You can't really grab a pancake and go.  That could get really messy.  Waffles you totally can.  Throw them in a paper towel and you're off.  Maybe an extra sealed container of syrup for dipping but otherwise a very clean operation.  Pancakes are just too floppy and soggy to do this with.
So when you think about it, waffles really just speak for themselves.  They win at being awesome, hands down.


gallagher girls series, helping guide, versus, crazy quirks, food, ally carter

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