20 weeks 5 days

Jul 01, 2008 13:11

Ugh! Morning sickness is supposed to be GONE by now! We were not far from the house when I had to ask (M) to pull over so I could be sick. Of course, it's Canada Day, so I can only imagine what the people driving by us were thinking! :) I've also figured out that garlic doesnt agree with Mini-Wheat. The kids have started to refer to the baby as Mini-Wheat and that is so cute and cool!

Speaking of Mini-Wheat, I have been getting tickles and kicks/punches quite often today. It litterally feels like a gas bubble, but you know it isn't. Right in the middle of my belly... Maybe (M) will be able to feel Mini-Wheat soon...

I am so impatient... so I just had to post something. I've known the date of this ultrasound since 12 weeks... by the time I have it... I'll be 22weeks! Im going insane! I wanna see Mini-Wheat!!!

Here are my pregnancy symptoms related to the gender wives' tales...

1. I have bad morning sickness all day long starting from 5 weeks... I still have it @ 20 weeks!!! I have gained only a pound in 17 weeks. I have thrown up more often in the second trimester, yet in the first trimester it was just lots and lots of nausea. The smell of meat cooking TOTALLY turned me off until about two weeks ago, but garlic instantly turns my stomach... still!!

2. My cravings have been for salad, apples, tomatos, and sometimes ice cream. More commonly it is salad or tomatos.

3. At 12 weeks the baby's heart beat was in the 160's.

4. Chinese Gender Chart thingy predicts the baby as a girl.

5. I have ZERO gut feelings in this area, but (M) SWEARS up and down that it is a boy, and so do many other people... except my hairdresser who said it is a girl.

Poll Mini-Wheat.... Boy or Girl


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