I just can't believe that I am 20 weeks pregnant! Holy crap on a stick!
What a great looking bump eh? LOL!
Its been a good week. We had a great weekend with the kids last weekend... and we have them again this weekend. Actually I think we have them for 4 weeks straight. It makes Mike happy to have them often. We actually have a big weekend planned for us all... (M), (S) and I have hair cuts @ 11am. But, since (S) is an early riser, I would like her to wake me as soon as she wakes up.. and we will go out for breakfast... without the boys... and then we are going to go get our nails done. We will then meet the boys at the hair salon for 11am. From there we are going to (M)'s dad's for the day and supper. We will get to see (A), (M)'s little nephew... I can't wait! :) Sunday we will go to the trailer... and bring the kids back Monday night.
2 weeks before we get our big ultrasound! Holy crap this has been a long wait! I mean, I made the apointment @ the end of April! I can't wait to see Mini-Wheat again! He/She has been kicking me when I lay down at night. Only a matter of time before I get the big kicks, and the kiks in the ribs! LOL. I still have the nausea's... but it is definately not as bad as it was a few weeks ago. I wonder if I should try to stop the diclectin again? Then again... why risk the misery?
(M) and I have been doing well. We have been diligently cleaning the apartment, and we only have a small area to go. The kitchen, and my book shelf. I have TONS of books... and I probably should edit them and give a few away. Maybe during the week I will do that. We also went to IKEA and found the picture frames that we like, and we put up more pics late last night. I am now finally on the "wall". I love the digital camera, and I love the resolution we get when we get the photo's printed at Walmart! I hope we can get some baby photos of me up on the wall. :) I know I need to find one of mum and dad.
(my little mood bonhomme looks like he has dancing testicles over a pride rainbow!!!)