19 Weeks

Jun 19, 2008 07:22

(M) and I are convinced that I have popped in the last few days! I just have to up load the pics I took of myself today. :) (I figured out the self portrait thing on my camera).

@ 19 weeks (I know I am not straight on to the camera, but you see the bump don't ya?? I am holding my shirt down on my bump to show how round it is now.)

@ 12 weeks

Well, Mini-Wheat has kept me in tickles all week. He/She is really moving a lot. Especially in the morning. I can't wait for the movements to be more pronounced. Its so amazing to have a little person growing inside me! I never thought this would happen, and I never thought I would have such a supportive partener thru this.

That doesn't mean we haven't had our moments this week. An ex of mine came into town. He messaged me thru FaceBook asking if we could meet up for coffee. I replied that I would get back to him with that wether or not (M) and I were available. I don't believe in going to visit anyone without (M). So, I talked to (M) and he said sure. When I brought it up again on tuesday (M) had a fit. He didn't understand how I could be friends with an ex. That I should quit living in the past and cut ties with all my ex's cuz I am in a relationship. I told him that for me 95% of the time any relationship was ended before resentments could begin and just because he/she wasn't the right person for me relationship wise, doesn't mean that he/she wouldn't be a good friend to me. We had words and tears yet ended up going to meet up with him. The coffee lasted an hour or so, and we went home. About a half an hour after arriving I was being sick and (M) was my angel. He cleaned out my bucket, and got me water and a face cloth. We had another talk about the same thing the next day. He admitted he was insecure. We had a very mature talk about insecurities and people in our lives. We decided on talking about each case as they come up. I am a social butterfly where as (M) is an isolator. We both have different views on friends and ex's. I seriously believe you need to come to a decision as a pair when you want to make a relationship work. A compromise, so that neither party is hurt. And we did just that. All in all, it was the best "heated discussion that lasted two days" that we have ever had.

(m), baby

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