Meme!Tiem continued

Apr 18, 2008 12:06

Alrighty, and here is the same meme done for my boys without bodies.  Poor little guys that they are.  ;_;


Doll Mould: (will be...) AngelRegion Ren
Face up: n/a
Eyes: Green...but no idea what kind they'll be for sure
Hair: (will be) AngelRegion wing tail, brown
Age: 17

Basic personality:

.If you were to describe yourself with one word, what would it be?
*wicked smile*  Fun!

.What is most important to you in the world?
Mykaella.  And that's all there is to it.

.Would you help someone who needed it while passing?
Psh.  Do I know 'em?  If not, you can forget it.

.Are you very observant?
Hell yes!

.How innocent/naive can you be?
What the fuck are you talking about?

.Can you entertain yourself easily?
Depends on just what kind of entertainment you mean...I mean...there are TONS of fun things you can do in front of a computer screen...*grinning catishly*

.How well do you get along with others?
Hmph.  I get along with the people I want to get along with.

.What was the longest time you had a friend?
All my life.

.Do you have someone who knows you inside out?
Mykaella, duh.  Like anyone else would know.

.How short is your temper?
 ...How short do you think it is?...

.Can you let go of grudges easily?
*scoffs*  Yeah, right!  If you started doing that, you'd never learn!


.Do you read?
God, no.  Never did see what was so damn interesting about those books.

.Do you watch TV?
Yeah!  It's a helluva lot better than those dumb books, at least!

.Do you collect anything?
Hehe, Ladies.

.How long do you stay interested in something?
*coloring*  Hey!  If it can't entertain me that isn't my fault!

.If you collected, would it be for interest or profit?
Profit, duh!


.Do you know your parents/creator?
I did...yeah.  Not that I wanted to. *glares off to the side*

.What is your birthday?
None of your damn business!

.Do you have any siblings?
Mykaella is my big sister!  Sydelle is too...

.Ever have to fight for what you believe in?
*eyes soften slightly* Maybe it wasn't worth fighting for...but yes.

.When did you move out on your own?
I haven't been on my own yet, but I started living with my sisters when I was 12.

.When did you REALLY mature?
Oh shut up, I've always been mature!  I have!  I have! *withering glare*

.Did you have many friends?
No, who needs 'em?

.Any action you regret?
Fuck no!

.What is a memory you treasure?
Like I'd tell you.

Relationships - while single (Or while you were.)

.Do you have a dream partner?
That shit's for girls.

.Do you believe you seek someone like your parents(or creator)?
Are you kidding?

.Do you have one night stands?
Hehe, the more, the better, I say!

.What feature is most attention grabbing for you?
A nice ass.  That'll make it alllll worth it. *grinning again*

.What MUST someone have for you to consider them?
Uh, dude, didn't we just go over this?

.Older, younger, same age as you?
Doesn't really matter.

.How do you feel about settling down?
.Why?  I'm only 17 for God's sake!

.How many dates before you go to bed with someone?
Who needs a date?

.How do you handle rejection?
I dunno, never been rejected. *lopsided grin with a hint of a lie in it*

.How many times did you stop something before it developed?
Psh, development?  What the fuck?

Relationships - Once taken, or what you want if taken.

.Have you settled down and if so for how long?

.Any Children?
The hell?

.Any Grandchildren?

.What do you love most about your partner?
I'd tell you, if I had one. *beginning to get bored with questions that don't pertain to him*

.Any petnames?
No!  I'd kill anyone who tried!

.How many relationships have you been in?
*shifts uncomfortably*  None.

.Have you ended any?

.Has your heart been broken?
*twisting hands* No.

.Any loves you cannot have?
No!  Goddammit, quit asking these questions!

.Do you believe in true love?
Yeah, right.


.Have you ever died?
The fuck?

.Can you even die?
See above please?

.Have you seen someone die?

.Have you killed someone?

.Have you had someone killed?
Why would I need to do that?


.What makes you truly happy?
Hehe, tying the ends of Sydelle's hair together while she's asleep. >:D

.If you could, what is one thing you would spend your life doing?
See above please.

.Do you have a job, if so what is it?
Like I'd tell you.  'Sides.  It's illegal.  Can't go around telling everyone stuff like that.

.Have you ever gone insane?
Care to test that?

.Did you ever feel as if you were the only sane one in the world?
Nah, Mykaella's pretty sane most of the time.

.If you had a choice, would you live a calm eternal life, or live a wild short life?
Oh hell, give me the wild ride.


Doll Mould: (will be) CP Shiwoo
Face up: dunno
Eyes: (will be) Gold.
Hair: (will be) Black
Age: 25

Basic personality:

.If you were to describe yourself with one word, what would it be?

.What is most important to you in the world?
My family.  Adoptive or otherwise.

.Would you help someone who needed it while passing?
Absolutely.  I know what it feels like to need help.

.Are you very observant?
*flatly* Your fly is unzipped.

.How innocent/naive can you be?
Uhm...I suspect I lost those qualities long ago.

.Can you entertain yourself easily?
Certainly.  It's a necessary skill.  But others are always more fun.

.How well do you get along with others?
Depends...there have been those that I did not get on well with, but that's to be expected.

.What was the longest time you had a friend?
A true friend?  I suppose...2 years...

.Do you have someone who knows you inside out?
No one knows me entirely.  But there are some who are close.

.How short is your temper?
I do not get needlessly angry.

.Can you let go of grudges easily?
When they are mine to let go of.


.Do you read?

.Do you watch TV?
I don't see the point of it.  But if the others are watching, I'll watch sometimes.  My English is not very good, Mykaella and Kahoko are helping me, but it still isn't good enough to watch TV by myself with.

.Do you collect anything?
Nothing you need be interested in.

.How long do you stay interested in something?
*meaningful look*  I have a very long attention span.

.If you collected, would it be for interest or profit?
Profit, naturally.


.Do you know your parents/creator?
*indifferent* Not anymore.

.What is your birthday?
I don't know. (We think it's around July 9th)

.Do you have any siblings?
Not blood-siblings.

.Ever have to fight for what you believe in?
Well, it wasn't my belief, but yes, I suppose so.

.When did you move out on your own?
I guess 2 years ago.

.When did you REALLY mature?
None of your business.

.Did you have many friends?
No.  I didn't have any.  *haunted look*  No one could have friends in that place...

.Any action you regret?

.What is a memory you treasure?
When I was asked to come live here.

Relationships - while single (Or while you were.)

.Do you have a dream partner?

.Do you believe you seek someone like your parents(or creator)?

.Do you have one night stands?

.What feature is most attention grabbing for you?
I don't notice those kinds of things.

.What MUST someone have for you to consider them?
*heavy sigh* What is difficult about this?

.Older, younger, same age as you?
If I cared, that probably wouldn't matter to me.

.How do you feel about settling down?
I am settled down...*is confused*.

.How many dates before you go to bed with someone?
Have I not already made myself clear?

.How do you handle rejection?
*huffing, becoming agitated*.

.How many times did you stop something before it developed?
I do not understand this.

Relationships - Once taken, or what you want if taken.

.Have you settled down and if so for how long?
I've been living here for 2 years now...

.Any Children?

.Any Grandchildren?
Are not children required for grandchildren to exist?

.What do you love most about your partner?
I don't have one.  As I have stated many times.

.Any petnames?
My family is allowed to call me by my name's diminuitive.  Kostya (coast-ya, not cost-ya)

.How many relationships have you been in?
This is becoming quite tiresome.

.Have you ended any?

.Has your heart been broken?

.Any loves you cannot have?

.Do you believe in true love?


.Have you ever died?
No, but I've come close.

.Can you even die?
Can't everyone?

.Have you seen someone die?

.Have you killed someone?

.Have you had someone killed?


.What makes you truly happy?
Being with my adoptive family.

.If you could, what is one thing you would spend your life doing?
Protecting them from everything bad in life.

.Do you have a job, if so what is it?
I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you. *not even a hint of a joke*

.Have you ever gone insane?
I wonder...

.Did you ever feel as if you were the only sane one in the world?
Not usually.

.If you had a choice, would you live a calm eternal life, or live a wild short life?
I'd like to be around for quite a while, to take care of my family.

There you have it.  My dear boys without corporeal bodies.  Once again, feel free to ask questions if you want to know something.  I can't promise either of these two will answer truthfully, but you're welcome to ask.  :)

bored, kostya, meme, dolls, aaric

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