
Apr 17, 2008 18:12

Alrighty, well, trawling through memes, I found one that I thought I'd like to do.  Actually, this is kind of a two in one.  I'll do this first one, and then, if there are any questions left, you guys are welcome to ask any one of my gang (even the ones without bodies...) anything you like.


Doll Mould: Angel of Dream Liu Yin
Face up: Company default
Eyes: 14mm violet acrylics
Hair: Cool-cat long straight black/red
Age: 22

Basic personality:

.If you were to describe yourself with one word, what would it be?

.What is most important to you in the world?
My family...and my boyfriend.

.Would you help someone who needed it while passing?
Well that depends on who they are!  Gotta be careful when you're a pretty girl!

.Are you very observant?
I'd like to think so.

.How innocent/naive can you be?
I'm usually pretty up on things.

.Can you entertain yourself easily?
Hmm...I suppose if I have to...though the last time I did that...didn't turn out well...*eyes moving shiftily*

.How well do you get along with others?
I get along with most people....but there are some people you just can't get along with, huh?

.What was the longest time you had a friend?
Um...I dunno.  Mykaella's my sister AND my friend...that counts right?  So...20 years?

.Do you have someone who knows you inside out?
Mykaella knows me better than anyone.

.How short is your temper?
*has the decency to look ashamed*  Pretty short, to be honest...I should work on that....

.Can you let go of grudges easily?
It depends on what it was...I don't think everything should be forgotten though...


.Do you read?

.Do you watch TV?
All the time.  There's not much else to do around this place.  I particularly like shows like ANTM!

.Do you collect anything?
Teddy Bears....and bead poodles...

.How long do you stay interested in something?
Well...until I'm bored of it?

.If you collected, would it be for interest or profit?
Interest probably...


.Do you know your parents/creator?
*eyes narrow*  *grits out*  ...yes....

.What is your birthday?
October 12th.  Be sure you buy me presents, now that you know!

.Do you have any siblings?
Mykaella is my little sister!  And I have a little brother too, Aaric.  He's a jerk though...>_>

.Ever have to fight for what you believe in?

.When did you move out on your own?
Perhaps...before I should have.

.When did you REALLY mature?
A long time before I should have.

.Did you have many friends?
No...not many.  Mykaella was my only friend for a long time...

.Any action you regret?
Yes...several...but that's what life is all about.  Living and learning.

.What is a memory you treasure?
Well...I suppose....when Rowen asked me to be his girlfriend.  Made me feel special, you know?  Like somebody wanted me for me.

Relationships - while single (Or while you were.)

.Do you have a dream partner?
Yup!  And I got 'im!

.Do you believe you seek someone like your parents(or creator)?
Hell no.

.Do you have one night stands?
I did...

.What feature is most attention grabbing for you?
I suppose...the person's eyes.  Eyes can tell you a lot, you know?

.What MUST someone have for you to consider them?
They have to be kind to my family. Otherwise they're out the door.

.Older, younger, same age as you?
Don't care.

.How do you feel about settling down?
I think I'd like to one day...but I don't think it'll happen anytime soon.

.How many dates before you go to bed with someone?
*blushing furiously* Uhm...I'd rather not say, if that's alright...

.How do you handle rejection?
Well I certainly don't like it.  But that's just life.

.How many times did you stop something before it developed?
I couldn't count.

Relationships - Once taken, or what you want if taken.

.Have you settled down and if so for how long?

.Any Children?
Nope, pretty sure I'd know. :)

.Any Grandchildren?

.What do you love most about your partner?
I love the way he looks at I'm the only person in the room.

.Any petnames?
Uhmm....welcome ones?  Ah well, yes, I have them.  Mykaella calls me Elly...Ilú calls me Syd-Syd, Syddie, and any other conglomeration of my name he can come up with.  *rolls eyes good-naturedly*

.How many relationships have you been in?
Uhm.  Serious ones?  Just the one.  Otherwise...quite a few.

.Have you ended any?
Yes.  Plenty.

.Has your heart been broken?
No. *soft smile*

.Any loves you cannot have?
Nope.  I have what I need.

.Do you believe in true love?


.Have you ever died?
Uhmm...isn't that something you'd notice? *thoroughly confused*

.Can you even die?

.Have you seen someone die?

.Have you killed someone?
*fidgeting nervously*  I don't want to talk about this anymore...

.Have you had someone killed?
No.  Absolutely not.


.What makes you truly happy?
Being with my friends and family.

.If you could, what is one thing you would spend your life doing?
Telling everyone I love just how much I love them.

.Do you have a job, if so what is it?
I'm a voice actress.  I'm awfully good at imitations, and I sing pretty well too. :]

.Have you ever gone insane?
Uhh...don't think so?

.Did you ever feel as if you were the only sane one in the world?
Only when dealing with Aaric...

.If you had a choice, would you live a calm eternal life, or live a wild short life?
*grinning cheekily* Well, I can't be too crazy, cuz my family needs me and all, but I enjoy interesting, that's for sure.


Doll Mould: DollZone Shoyo-2
Face up: Company default
Eyes: 16mm blue-green glass
Hair: HZ white long
Age: 20

Basic personality:

.If you were to describe yourself with one word, what would it be?
Uhm.  Accomodating?

.What is most important to you in the world?
My family.  Absolutely.

.Would you help someone who needed it while passing?
Of course!

.Are you very observant?
*thinks* Usually.  I'm not distracted easily.

.How innocent/naive can you be?
Are we talking in actuality?  Or in jest?

.Can you entertain yourself easily?
Sure!  There's plenty around to do by yourself if you look.  But it's always more fun to have other people around.  *grins cutely*

.How well do you get along with others?
Yes!  I try to get along with everyone, when I can.

.What was the longest time you had a friend?
My whole life, I suppose.  Sydelle's always been there for me, so she counts, right?

.Do you have someone who knows you inside out?
Absolutely.  Sydelle and Aaric both know everything about me.

.How short is your temper?
I don't get angry easily.  But when I do...things don't turn out well.  9_9

.Can you let go of grudges easily?
*earnest look* I try.  Really hard.  But sometimes I can't...*looks off uncomfortably*


.Do you read?
All the time!  I love to read!

.Do you watch TV?
Sometimes.  Sydelle really likes it, so I sometimes watch with her, but reading if more my style.

.Do you collect anything?
Hair supplies?  Does that count?  *giggles*

.How long do you stay interested in something?
I have a fairly long attention span.  Things that grab my interest tend to hold it.

.If you collected, would it be for interest or profit?


.Do you know your parents/creator?
Uhm...yes...I did.

.What is your birthday?
April 8th!

.Do you have any siblings?
Sydelle is my big sister.  And Aaric is my little brother.  I love them both very much.

.Ever have to fight for what you believe in?
Sydelle tends to do the fighting for me....*coloring slightly*

.When did you move out on your own?
A long time ago.

.When did you REALLY mature?
When I had to.

.Did you have many friends?
Yes.  I used to when I was little.  And now I have lots of friends around the world because of my job!

.Any action you regret?
*frowns and looks slightly uncomfortable* yes... *eyes clear*  But doesn't everyone?

.What is a memory you treasure?
When I turned 15, Sydelle bought me a gorgeous birthday cake.  She had saved up the money for weeks for it.  And Aaric made me a sweater.  I still love that sweater.  :]

Relationships - while single (Or while you were.)

.Do you have a dream partner?
Not really.

.Do you believe you seek someone like your parents(or creator)?

.Do you have one night stands?

.What feature is most attention grabbing for you?
The way a person treats others.

.What MUST someone have for you to consider them?
They have to be kind.

.Older, younger, same age as you?
Doesn't really matter, does it?

.How do you feel about settling down?
I would like to.  But I have to find someone first.

.How many dates before you go to bed with someone?
*flatly*  As many as it took to get married.

.How do you handle rejection?
Uhm...well, it certainly isn't pleasant.  But I deal with it ok.

.How many times did you stop something before it developed?
A couple of times...maybe.

Relationships - Once taken, or what you want if taken.

.Have you settled down and if so for how long?
Nope. *grins*

.Any Children?

.Any Grandchildren?
Nope, kinda gotta have the kids first, doncha?

.What do you love most about your partner?
Don't have one.

.Any petnames?
Well, Ilú calls me Mykie.  I've never had one before that though.

.How many relationships have you been in?

.Have you ended any?

.Has your heart been broken?
*twisting hands, agitated*  I--I'd rather not say.

.Any loves you cannot have?
Not really.

.Do you believe in true love?
I'd like to, but...


.Have you ever died?
*looks at self* I don't think so?

.Can you even die?

.Have you seen someone die?
*pales* Yes.

.Have you killed someone?
*trembling*, I really don't want to talk about this

.Have you had someone killed?
Who does that?!


.What makes you truly happy?
Making my family and friends happy.

.If you could, what is one thing you would spend your life doing?
Making others happy any way I could.

.Do you have a job, if so what is it?
I work as a hair and makeup designer around the world at fashion shows.  It's a pretty awesome job, I must say. *winks*

.Have you ever gone insane?
Not that I've noticed.

.Did you ever feel as if you were the only sane one in the world?
*laughing* Occassionally.

.If you had a choice, would you live a calm eternal life, or live a wild short life?
Oh calm, for sure.  I wanna be around for a while.

Well, there you have the majority of my family.  Aaric's will probably come later.  But feel free to ask my girls or my boy anything you'd like.  They will answer to the best of their ability.  :)

bored, meme, sydelle. mykaella, dolls, aaric

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