In which Seungri is put-upon

Jun 28, 2009 23:51

The Trials and Tribulations of Lee Seunghyun.
GRi (+Jongkey), PG-ish, 785
disclaimer: HP verse belongs to jk rowling, gd & ri belong together to yg.

omg how did this happen again??? I blame shichan x3 un-beta'd, so let me know if there are mistakes~
shinee cameo ftw!

Lee Seunghyun wraps his cloak more tightly around him, as though it would hide his true identity as he sneaks through the stacks of books in the library to a small table in the back corner. He has searched forever to find the section with the least used books. It took three weeks of careful observation, calculating, note-taking, but finally he settled for the section titled History of Muggles, 1400-1600 because nobody actually pays attention in that class, let alone searches for information outside of it. He also spent eight hours researching repellant charms before Jiyong told him (by owl, of course, because Seunghyun would not be seen speaking to him in person) that he was being ridiculous.

Anyway, don't you miss me? ^^ I miss you~ I can't wait to share a bed with you again <3, the rest of the note read. Seunghyun had glared at the note for a full five minutes, hoping his feelings could somehow be passed to the sender, and had dropped it into Daesung's cauldron during their next Potions class, turning the pale blue liquid a bubbly, vomit-yellow color. And that had earned him a glare from the other Seunghyun, and this Seunghyun wanted to avoid another encounter with him at all costs.

"Wow, Seunghyun, you finally showed up," Jiyong purrs as Seunghyun slides into the seat beside him. "And you didn't even drink a Polyjuice potion. I half expected Youngbae to show up again and start whining about how upset he is that we're not in the same house."

"I never whined," Seunghyun snaps, "and don't talk so loudly. I don't want anyone to catch me with you."

"You say that like it's a bad thing," Jiyong pouts, but then his face transforms into a wicked grin. "Don't you like being with me? Don't you remember when we shared a sleeping bag during the last Quidditch World Cup? And the way you wrapped your arms around me and-"

"God, shut up!" Seunghyun hisses, clamping his hand over Jiyong's mouth and glancing around frantically to see if anyone else is listening. "I knew this was a bad idea. I'm going back to the common room."

"Oh, so that's what you wanted to do together-"

"Alone," Seunghyun says, narrowing his eyes at Jiyong and walking away without another word.

"Bye-bye, Seunghyunnie!" Jiyong calls, and Seunghyun can only assume that he's waving like an idiot because he refuses to turn and look at him. "I'll miss you~!"

Seunghyun barely makes it to the dining hall in time for breakfast the next morning, but he doesn't get a chance to eat anything. Kim Kibum, from the year below his, slides over on the bench no less than five seconds after Seunghyun sits down.

"It seems like you've been spending some time with the Gryffindors, huh," Kibum says, smirking as he shoves a sheet of paper across the table.

Seunghyun blinks at the paper a few times, feeling the blood draining from his face as he asks, "Where did you get this?"

"They're all over the hall," Kibum says, shrugging as he takes a sip of his orange juice. "Jonghyunnie snagged one for me."

Kibum winks and waves at a boy gazing vacantly into his omelette at the Ravenclaw table.

Seunghyun tries to burn a hole in the paper with his eyes, but no matter how hard he glares, the Jiyong in the picture keeps waving and smiling like an idiot and preventing the Seunghyun in the picture from hiding underneath the table.

"Youngbae must have taken it while I wasn't looking," Seunghyun growls, and Kibum raises his eyebrows. Seunghyun stands up, crumpling the photo in his left hand as he pulls out his wand with his right.

"Where are you going?" Kibum calls as Seunghyun begins to walk toward the Gryffindor table.

"To kill Jiyong," he answers, and is willing to risk Azkaban for the pleasure he would get out of strangling Jiyong with his bare hands.

("It's cute how you're shy," Jiyong says, pinching Seunhyun's cheeks as they huddle in the corner, behind a table and underneath Harry's invisibility cloak.

"Don't say anything. Someone will catch us," Seunghyun says, frowning at the other boy. He only agreed to meet him here again if Jiyong could swipe Potter's cloak, and he only agreed to stay after searching the entire library and making Jiyong swear on his £25 boxers that Youngbae was already in bed. But, it's late at night, and nobody can see them, and so Seunghyun doesn't object when Jiyong wraps his arm around the younger boy.

"Just remember," Seunghyun murmurs into Jiyong's neck, "if you tell anyone about this, I won't hesitate to go Avada Kedavra on your ass.")

fandom: harry potter, pairing: g-dragon/seungri, fandom: big bang, pairing: jonghyun/key, fandom: shinee

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