lol what?

Jun 28, 2009 01:59

In Which Hufflepuff is Badass.
TOP/Malfoy (inorite??), PG-ish, 647
disclaimer: malfoy belongs to jk rowling. top belongs to daesung yg.

this conversation happened:
shichan: sigh.
shichan: I swear he's got some sort of sorcery.
kaixin: HE DOES.

and then this happened. sorry.

"Hey Choi! Your Quidditch team couldn't fly its way out of a paper bag! You Hufflepuff pansies aren't gonna know what hit you tomorrow!"

Seunghyun takes one last, long look at his unfinished bowl of cheesecake-flavored ice cream and stands up. The bench scrapes dramatically against the floor of the dining hall, and the hall falls silent as Seunghyun turns his head only slightly to glare at the offending speaker, none other than one Draco Malfoy.

Draco's breath catches somewhere on the way from his mouth to his lungs, and he looks around (somewhat frantically) for Crabbe and Goyle, who seem to have conveniently disappeared from their usual places on either side of him. It's not like he needs them. He's not a wuss. It's just that sometimes, and only sometimes, he wonders how a guy like Seunghyun, with those eyes that make all the fifth-year girls giggle and the fourth-year girls faint, and that glare that could burn a fucking hole in the outer doors, and that cool-guy charisma that makes part of Draco wonder if Seunghyun isn't really a wizard but just magic by sheer existence, got stuck in a house like Hufflepuff. Hufflepuff, honestly. All that badass-ery should have landed him in Slytherin, or at least with all those other pricks in Gryffindor.

Unfortunately for Draco, he doesn't have time to process all these thoughts, as every eye in the hall is focused on Seunghyun, who turns away from the table and walks excruciatingly slowly toward Draco, who somehow has forgotten how to breathe, let alone turn around and get the hell out of Seunghyun's line of sight.

"Malfoy," Seunghyun says, quietly, because his mouth is exactly four inches away from Draco's ear. He wraps his hand around Draco's arm, and Draco flinches, and Seunghyun smirks.

"From the way you're reacting," Seunghyun says, and how in the name of Merlin is his voice so low, "I'd say it's going to be Slytherin that won't know what hits them."

"D-don't you touch me," Draco says, trying to shake his arm out of Seunghyun's grasp, cursing himself for letting his voice crack. "When I tell my father-"

"Oh, I don't think you'll be telling your father about this," Seunghyun interrupts, and there's that smirk again, and-

"When did we get out of the dining hall?" Draco asks, glancing around at their sudden surroundings of a deserted hallway, but Seunghyun's hand is running down his side and did that suit of armor just walk into that other doorway, or was it there all along?

"I think Peeves is here," Draco says, trying to get Seunghyun's attention, trying to distract him, trying to do anything but be entranced by Seunghyun's too-intense-to-be-real eyes, and suddenly he blurts out, "I think you're magic just by existence!"

Seunghyun freezes, moving only his eyes to stare into Draco's, and Draco wonders if he might be constipated because he's never seen that look before. But it's gone in an instant, and the smirk is back, and Seunghyun's mouth is pressed up against Draco's ear when he whispers, "Just wait until after we beat you in Quidditch tomorrow. I'll show you some spells that will make you unable to look your mother in the eye ever again."

And he is gone before Draco can shoot back a snarky remark, not that he didn't have one prepared. He just didn't have enough time to say it. And he's definitely not looking forward tomorrow.

(When Seunghyun returns to the dining hall, Jiyong has already infiltrated the Hufflepuff table and dragged along an amused Youngbae, telling the whole story to a wide-eyed Daesung.

"Ohmygod, the look on Malfoy's face, it was priceless, I almost pissed my pants!"

From the Slytherin table, Lee Seunghyun stands up and shouts, "Choi Seunghyun, you stay the hell away from us! I can't even look at my mother after what you did!")

/hides >.>

who's that heart for, hmm draco???

fandom: harry potter, pairing: top/malfoy, fandom: big bang

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