Grad school application stuff . . .

Apr 29, 2014 02:53

Here are some articles I might use in revising my paper for a sample of academic writing:

  • The Gender of the Trick: Female Trickster and Male Narrators (JStor)
  • Foraging, Talking, and Trickster (JStor)
  • Blues, Criticism, adn teh Signifying Trickster (Jstor)
  • Dangerous Definitions: Female Tricksters in Contemporary Native American Literature (JStor)
  • the Gender of the Trick (Academic Search Complete)
  • Same Human Being, Same Person? (JStor)
  • Self-Interest and Self-Sacrifice (Jstor)
  • The Nature of Man by Cassius J.Keyser (Jstor)
  • Organization Theory and the Nature of Man (Jstor)
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