Room Re-arranging Status Report: slow going

Jun 27, 2012 11:00

So I hoped to have a lot more done by now then I do

Monday - bought boxes and stared at all the stuff that needs to be moved, it is more then a bit overwhelming.  At this point I think a total move would be easier (like when I would move out in the future) since everything would need to be packed as opposed to right now I am still trying to decide what stuff needs to move and what stuff I may be able to get away with leaving right where it is.

Tuesday - Packed two small boxes of breakables.  Learned that the box of baggies I was going to use to bag my Transformers into groups (so I don't loose or break any parts that may pop off in the box) had only 2 bags in it.

Things left to be done before furniture can be moved:
  Pick up baggies and packing tape after work
  Bag TF's for temporary box storage while furniture is moved - not sure if I should change them to vehicle mode first
  Move craft cart, Dragon table and other assorted furniture that will be in the way into basement
  Empty the 2 book shelves that need to be switched with the desk (may also have to empty the other 2)
  Empty off top of desk and drawers (desk is large and heavy even when empty - yay hand me down particleboard desk)

My goal for the evening is to get through the first three items and hopefully make a dent on emptying my bookshelves. 

just ignore me, real life

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