And one thing leads to another

Jun 25, 2012 13:01

So last week I finally gave in and bought myself a cheap little air conditioner for my room.  For the past few years I have made it without but my room would get really hot  and humid because I spend 80% of my time at home in my room with the door closed (I don't like the animals coming in my room because I don't need them knocking over my stuff, chewing it, or just leaving fur all over the place)

Originally I wanted it in the right window because it meant there was less stuff to move to get to it and the outlet on that side is less taxed but the cord would not have reached so now it is in the left window and plugged into my most taxed outlet (computer, desk items, gaming counsel, etc)  because of this I really think it is time to switch around my room (I've wanted to do it for a while anyway but now I have little choice since my room is now quite a fire hazard)

First off I have a ton of stuff I would need to move just to move the furniture.  Second my room is partially underground so two of my walls have a 3 inch ledge which limits what furniture I can put on those walls (no book shelves on those walls since they would not be stable at the top).

So here is the main problem to switch my room around I would need to switch my desk with my book shelves.  The desk is seriously loaded and I have 4 bookshelves total.  I may be able to get away with moving only 2 but the two that must move are the two tall ones (the other two are shorter).

I think I may go to the store after work to see if I can get a large box to put my Transformers and some other decorations in while I am moving my room around so none of it gets lost or broken.  But damn this is going to be a long difficult process.

One thing I'm going to try to do at least is go through my books and get rid of ones that I can get a digital copy free (the copy right for books where the author is dead for over 75 years is no longer valid so I can get the older works free and legally online)  I probably will not get rid of all that many because a lot of my books are not in that category (which means I would have to wait until I had money to re-buy the digital copy to be able to purge the hard copy) and certain books I own are either out of print or image heavy and I like looking at the images in books rather then the computer.  I'm not too sure what I will do with the actual books I do decide to get rid of can see if my library local would like them or if one of the thrift stores in the area will take them.

If anyone is interested I would be willing to post a list of the books here and ship them to anyone who wants then.  All I would ask is that who ever wants them pay the shipping (let me know if you are interested because otherwise I will not waste my time making a list and just drop the books at the first willing local recipient).

So I guess I should make a plan or something so I know exactly what needs to move, where, in what order so that I don't wind up wasting tons of time and energy trying to move a large piece of furniture to a space where it won't fit.

Also I'll need to talk to my mom about being able to move somethings into the basement (without fearing she will throw anything out) for the duration of this process so that I have some space to move things around easier

Then once I am actually done moving my desk and book shelves I have to switch out my mattress for my sisters mattress.  My mattress is 24 years old and is all broken in the only reason it  looks like a regular mattress is because it is lined with a few inches of throw pillows and blankets in a mattress protector (I'm not kidding I took all the pillows and blankets off last year to wash them before inserting them in the waterproof/dust proof/bug proof mattress protector and the pile reached my neck)  My sisters mattress is only 14 years old and probably barely used because half the time she fell asleep on the couch instead of her bed and she was a way at college for 4 1/2 years of that plus it is just generally in better condition.

In truth I should just be getting a new bed altogether but I am not going to wast my money buying a new twin mattress when I should really get a full or queen size bed (I'm 25 I should have an adult size bed) which I will not buy until I have a place of my own because if I had a bigger bed I would have no floor space to work on crafts or anything.  As it is now I have considered throwing out my bed and just getting a futon so I can fold it up for even more space during the day.

But bedding plans will have to wait until I am done with my desk and bookshelf switch.

just ignore me, real life

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