Dark - APH Fanfic

Sep 10, 2009 19:47

4. Dark

Based on a prompt from a 100 Themes Challenge I’m trying to do.

Disclaimer: If I owned Axis Powers Hetalia, it’d be a lot slashier, Canada would be more than an afterthought and I’d know Japanese. As none of these things are true, I don’t own, so don’t sue.

No one had believed the rumors. Sure he might not like them, they might be fleeing the country, and he might want them away from his other citizens; it wasn’t the best of situations for a nation to hate a part of his people, and he was taking over land too, but not even Germany would enslave and kill people on the basis of religion, right? It would have been a crime on the grandest of scales, against everything right and good. Italy and Japan would have never put up with that.

So the allies had gone on treating the stories as wild rumors, using them as propaganda to sell the war against the ‘inhumane’ Germans. It wasn’t until the Russians began to stumble across abandoned camps and the Americans liberated the camp at Bergen-Belsen that the nations realized with horror that the caricature of the inhumane Germany they had been painting turned out to be a fairly accurate portrait. America and England barely believing the horror they’d encountered vowed that Germany would pay for this. All of Germany. The blissfully unaware citizens had to work in hospitals for the concentration camp survivors. But Ludwig and his bosses would pay dearly too. Even if they had to create a whole new section of laws, devoted to detailing the atrocities Germany had committed on its citizens, their crimes against humanity.


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