(no subject)

Dec 16, 2008 09:25

For some reason we are out of school today. I say "for some reason" because the roads are clear and dry. Sadly, when I woke up at 7:17 (supposed to be at work at 7:30), I didn't realize that school was cancelled. So, chanting "shitshitshit" (aka the prayer of the really, really late), I got Will out of bed, and with his help got the animals fed, us fed, his medicine taken, us dressed, teeth brushed, makeup on (me only--Will doesn't see the need) and out the door in 13 minutes.

I noticed that the roads were creepily empty on my way to work. Even more creepily empty was the parking lot at work. After going up and trying the door, which was locked, I called my brother and he checked the local news website. We were closed. Still no ice on the roads. No, seriously, it was as dry as yesterday, when there was no thought of cancelling school. I went and picked up Will and we got coffee, and now we're home enjoying our impromptu day off. I fully intend to take an nap in a bit.

I signed up as a pinch-hitter for MYTG even though I told myself no holiday exchanges this year. Somehow I just couldn't resist. The pinch-hit I picked up is totally doable, though. I may even work on it today, what with having the unexpected (and inexplicable) day off. Be expecting a request for a beta reader sometime between now and the 23rd.

In other news--weddings are complicated. For those of you who've had to plan one, how long was the wedding and reception combined? We may be renting this historical house, depending on roughly 3423423432 factors, but I don't know how long to plan for.

weather, elopement looks good, school

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