Aug 06, 2004 16:59
So last night I was trying to explain what writing meant to me, and why it meant what it does. And so i started writing and this is what came out...I heart it when my poetic-ness kicks in and spins a creative knot which represents my feelings and thoughts so well...
These evocative feelings swimming through my head. When I let them pour out of my fingers they spin songs of hope and loss, but what are they? Just a twisted road map of a journey to nowhere? There are my attempts to define who am I, how I'm feeling, and where I'm going. Writing is my indulgence. Writing, along with music, touch the soul in ways that nothing else can. In them we can all find answers. They lead me to discover TRUTH, REALITY, MYSELF. It is through these thoughts turned rants that I feel called to find myself. These words explain who I am and what I'm feeling. It is through these words that I am able to find some somblance of joy in this world. A joy that helps to lead me to a personal truth. In these words, I've found salvation.