
Feb 26, 2013 19:27

A very quick summary of half-term...

Saturday: trip to Costco to spend far too much money.

Sunday: The Blokes went to karate, I sat and watched lots of Babylon 5 season 4 and knitted.

Monday: YoungBloke went to Liverpool with the cubs - a visit to Anfield, the maritime museum, a trip on the Yellow Duckmarine, and an unexpected trip that left an egg, a graze and bruise on his forehead. OldBloke and I went to the tip. We know how to live. We also did lots of washing because it was a proper crisp dry day and I love hanging the washing out. I knitted.

Tuesday: A relatively quiet day. More washing because it was crisp out again. I knitted more. Blokes went to karate because it's grading soon.

Wednesday: I had my hair done.

I didn't knit as much as I wanted because I left my new project on the sofa when I went to the hairdresser. Still knitted a lot though.

Thursday: Mum had to have fasting bloods done as her last full blood screen came back with high glucose levels (she can't quite understand that diabetes can be caused by coeliac disease and I hesitate to think how she'll cope if she is actually diabetic, since she hardly eats anyway), so OldBloke had to do car duty. After he got back, the Blokes and I did the half-term run to the Trafford centre. YoungBloke got new school shoes, OldBloke got a tank, and we had a good round of adventure golf (aka crazy golf) before a very late lunch at TGI Friday's. YB loved the bartender who did proper "throwing the glass around catching ice and drinks" tricks for us. We had our favourite waitress, Lucy (she remembered us, we remembered her, we had a long chat about schools and primary education), and YB ate a full adult plate of food which is more than I managed. We ate so much that OB and I didn't bother with dinner, we had a snack around 10pm. YB, of course, was hungry at dinner time so I made him pancakes which he devoured. Knitted two projects.

Friday: groceries. A trip to the market, which I love. Cheese from Crumbly Cheese. The butcher, who seems to be missing half the fingers of his left hand but makes up for it in general butcheriness. I asked for some lamb I could stew - he boned and diced a shoulder and threw the bone in for flavour after he'd weighed and priced. Ahaha, yes, and when I reached the stall he looked at me, grinned, looked at the rest of the queue and said, "it's her natural colour, you know" which made everyone else laugh. Then the fish stall - the fishmonger looked like the Michelin man and confirmed that working in 2c with a sharp wind and a stall covered in ice wasn't ideal, but still managed to fillet and skin some nice haddock for us. When we'd got the good stuff we went to Morrison's for the rest, and for some computer games (they were on offer, it seemed rude not to...). Knitted two projects.

Saturday: Finished both my knitting projects. Spent much of the day seaming. I hate seaming, but not as much as sewing in ends, so I left that. Went to the library, came out with 6 Horrible Histories. Realised YB had done no school reading this week. Decided that sitting in bed reading Harry Potter, The Hobbit and How to Train Your Dragon would have to do.

Sunday: Blokes to karate. I sat and watched more B5, and sewed in the ends.

I probably knitted this about three times, taking into consideration the fact that I knitted most of the body, realised how much yarn would be left, pulled back and knitted on bigger needles, finished most of the ruff realised how much yarn would be left, pulled back the ruff and knitted the body longer and then made the ruff.

I like cables. I don't like bobbles. I knitted my life's share of bobbles in that jumper.

oldbloke, knitting, hair, holiday, youngbloke

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