Title: Not the World but You Pairing(s)/Characters: HanChul, Park Kyung Lim Rating: R Genre: AU, angst, romance Warning(s): crude language, religious themes, mentions of violence
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Title: Remembrance Pairing(s)/Characters: KyuSung Rating: PG-13 Genre: highschool!AU, angst, friendship, romance Warning(s): character death Disclaimer: Owns the fic, nothing else. Summary: It was denial that urged Kyuhyun to talk to his senior, Jongwoon. It was regret that remained in the end.
Title: S3 - Secretly, Silently, Someday Pairing(s)/Characters: KyuSo (Cho Kyuhyun/Ahn Sohee) Rating: PG-13 Genre: friendship, romance Disclaimer: Owns the fic, nothing else. Summary: Sohee snuck out of her house for the first time.
Title: Floating Pairing(s)/Characters: KyuBum Rating: R Genre: romance, mild smut Disclaimer: Owns the fic, nothing else. Summary: Kyuhyun had been visiting Kibum during private swimming training for a few nights now. The maknae's atrocious flirting since the first day he joined Super Junior up to that one night was starting to bother Kibum.
Title: Aurora Pairing(s)/Characters: KyuHyuk Rating: PG-13 Genre: mild angst, romance Disclaimer: Owns the fic, nothing else. Summary: Time ticks, a couple on the run, dawn - the perfect romance.
Title: Dance, Melody Pairing(s)/Characters: broken!KyuHyuk Rating: PG-13 Genre: angst, romance Warning(s): very mild cultural/religious conflict Disclaimer: Owns the fic, nothing else. Summary: When life was at its most beautiful...
Title: Chance Fairy Tale Pairing(s)/Characters: KyuHyuk Rating: NC-17 Genre: AU, romance, smut Disclaimer: Owns the fic, nothing else. Summary: What started as a shallow morning in front of an appliance store, ended up as a strange and fathomless fantasy in an unreal apartment suite.