[translation] Enjoy 100th Issue Commemoration

Jul 11, 2013 15:18

I'll be putting all the volumes together, so keep checking this post! ^__^
making this post a sticky until i finish it!
edit: Vol.6 updated! (02/08)

Vol. 1
Nickname // Hometown // Age // Gender

Junnosuke's Grandmother // Osaka // 40~49 // Female
A sentence to start off this 100th issue commemoration?

This started from 2004, and in 2013 we've reached the 100th issue.
Not only has this been a place that has been updated once every month for many years,
but the people who have been reading the J-web all this while might have the feeling that "It's finally the 100th issue!" (laugh)
For me, it's more of the feeling that "Oh, I've been doing this for this long a time~".

Kuborin // Tokyo // 30~39 // Female
Please tell us about a mistake that you made when you were overseas.

That would be forgetting to bring my contact lenses.
I occassionally make such blunders.
It became a "I have no choice but to live with only my spectacles!" kind of situation.
Like, "It took so much for me to come here but I can't see the scenery at all~~" kind of thing. (laugh)

Akari-chan // Fukuoka // 20~29 // Female
Now!! Right now!!!! What are you doing??

I'm writing Enjoy. (laugh)
I'm really happy that I received a lot of questions!

Megumu // Shiga // 10~19 // Male
What kind of guys does Matsumoto-san think are cool?

Nnnn~~ Someone who has cultivated tastes is good.
Not just his figure, but also his gestures.
People who make you think that "That person is really refined~" are cool.

hikaru // Okinawa // 10~19 // Female
What kind of games did you usually play in your childhood?

Amongst my friends we called it "soto-doro",
But it's also called "Dorokei",
A short form of the game called "Dorobou and Keiji" (Police and Thief).

We didn't just play that at school, or in the park, but also when we were out in the neighbourhood.

That was during our elementary school days. We played it in a really big space, so we couldn't find each other at all (laugh).

How do I put this, when you only play it in school, the pattern that it's played also becomes the same.

So when we hide in the neighbourhood, it feels more like we've really become the police.
It became not just a game, but also came to have a special feeling.

Vol. 2
Purple flower // Chiba // 30~39 // Female
Does Jun-kun have a phrase that you say unconciously when talking? (*^^*)

I say "nanka" (it's like) a lot. And, "Is this really true?", phrases like that. (laugh)

marvelousJunbi // Osaka // 40~49 // Female
What is a way to regain back your strength when you are very very tired?

When your body gets tired, a way is to move and sleep in moderation!
And things like stretching, and a bit of running.
Sometimes, the tiredness doesn't go away just only by sleeping.

Red traffic light // Kumamoto // 10~19 // Female
Please tell us your most favourite and least favourite household chores!

My favourite is cooking. And I'm bad at.... washing my clothes.
And also cleaning up after I cook.

I'm basically weak at putting things away, and cleaning up after. (laugh)

Natsupon✮ミ // Osaka // 10~19 // Female
When Matsujun goes to work, is there something that you definitely bring along? Please tell us!

Nnn~~ When I'm doing work such as drama, I bring things like speakers, and so on.
Other than that I don't think there are any.

When I'm doing live rehearsals, or when I have to watch something for work, I bring along my laptop.

For stageplays, if my greenroom is set for around a month, I usually bring my stretching equipment, and prepare some drinks?
It doesn't differ very much from normal. For that, my greenroom for lives is around the same, except that we move around.

Vol. 3
Konomin // Toyama // 10~19 // Female
This is a question to Jun-kun! When you are typing Enjoy updates or for normal emailing, are you the type that types with both hands, or with one hand? (^o^)

I think I'm the one-handed type? ... Probably. (laugh)

Hana // Hiroshima // 20~29 // Female
The other day, at the dining table, a conversation about "Miso soup with a lot of ingredients, or just the simple kind of miso soup, which is your preference?" came up. In my case, I like the simple kind, and my favourite ingredients are tofu, negi (spring onions) and wakame (seaweed)! Which kind does Jun-kun like?

I'm the type that likes as many ingredients as possible in my soup.
Recently, I have been putting in tororo konbu (shredded kelp).
I put the dried kind together with tofu in the miso soup.

Hiyoko // Ibaraki // 10~19 // Female
Please tell us your fetishes, other than your butt fetish. If it's possible, please be detailed.

The topic about my fetishes, has it become so popular?!?! (laugh)

Other than that... I wonder...?
...... Collarbones?

Na no Yume no Kuma // Aichi // 50~59 // Female
Please tell us about the wonderful people, scenery and sights that you saw on your Europe trip.

This time, I went to Paris for about a week.

I went with Leader to see the Louvre Museum, watch lives and musicals.

I like to walk around unfamiliar streets when I'm overseas, but I also had a lot of time to do shopping, and roam around the city.

Places such as The Avenue des Champs-Élysées... it's really pretty.
The roads are reaaaally wide!

The sidewalks as well, were so wide to the extent that you would want to say "It isn't THAT crowded!" (laugh).
Because the roads are of the same width as the sidewalks.

I also thought that streets which were in existence from a long time ago were really pretty, when I went to London.

London also had such streets (which have a long history), but London's are more orderly, and give a more disciplined image.
It's probably the uniqueness of each area.

And then, the truffles that I ate at this French Italian restaurant was really delicious~!
Both the white and black kinds. There were a lot of dishes, such as truffles with pasta. Ah that's right, it was a truffle shop.
That was really delicious!

Vol. 4
Kairu // Tokyo // 30~39 // Female
When do you change your hairstyle?

It's usually for a role, especially recently.

And then it just changes depending on whether I set it up or down (probably talking about his fringe).

"A hairstyle that I want to try! I want to try this!", I don't have anything like that now.

Sometimes I do want to cut quite a lot of it, but... when I get a role, my hair might not grow back in time.

I cut it short one time for the movie "Hidamari no Kanojo", so I am just letting it grow for now~, and not cutting it.

Rather, as a question from me, does everyone prefer me having long or short hair?!
I want to ask that. (laugh)

Mariko // Kanagawa // 30~39 // Female
Are you continuing with boxing?

I haven't been doing it at all!
Even though I want to~!
I haven't been to watch a match either.

Mina // Saitama // 20~29 // Female
Congratulations on the 100th issue of Enjoy!! I am always checking for updates ♪
I would like to ask, when and where you think about the content for Enjoy, and where do you type it?? Please tell us☆

I write it when making my way to another location, or in between work, or when I'm in the greenroom.

It depends, there isn't a definite place.

Hitomi // Kanagawa // 10~19 // Female
Jun-kun's choices for the concert setlist are always perfect, and I really like the sense that you have for it, is there anything that you take into account when you think of the concert setlist?
Also, if it's okay, please tell us roughly about the steps that you go through to create it.

P.S. I will be looking forward to such heartrendering setlists in the future too.

It's on a case-by-case basis, but the first step would be get a hold on the overall theme of the concert.

Firstly, we would think of what the theme is, as the main point.

For example in the case of Arafes, it would be that it is something that is created with everyone.
In the case of the Popcorn Tour, it's about pop! And popping!
... Something like that.

It's the same process for determining the image of the set, and also what do we want to do in the concert, and what would we be using in the concert.

Like for the previous time it would be to use the water screen or not.
And if we do use it, how do we use it effectively.

And then from the things that we want to do, which song would be the most suitable for it? And we search for it, something like that.

On the other hand, there are times where we listen to the song, and think that if it was done in this way, it would be interesting, and expand on that image.

That's why, there isn't just one way of doing it.
Sometimes we do it from the song first, and there are times where we fit a song into the things that we want to do.

What doesn't change regardless of the methods would be the point of "What will we do this time!", probably.

Vol. 5
The World's only Jun-kun // Chiba // 10~19 // Female
How long does Jun-kun take to do morning preparations? By the way, I take an hour. (laugh)

Around 30 minutes.
I wake up, brush my teeth, and right now it's vegetable juice... I put in a stick of komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach), with some water, and make juice to drink with the mixer.
After that I take a shower, and wear my clothes.
Then I match my shoes and the items to bring with my clothes... in total, around 30 minutes.

Ain // Chiba // 20~29 // Female
You said on television that you eat tofu often, but between the smooth fine-grained tofu and the firm tofu, which do you like better?

I eat both kinds.
For cold-cut tofu, or when eating while it's mashed, the smooth one is better,
Then when putting it into miso soup, the firm one is better so that it doesn't get broken.
I use it according to what dish I'm preparing.

Purple // Chiba // 30~39 // Female
Do you have wine of your birth year? I have wine that is of the year that Jun-kun is born in, and I'm keeping it for the time that I can drink and enjoy it ✰

I do!
But, I have no idea when is a good time to open it (laugh).
When there are too many people, won't it be finished really quickly?
But when saying that is 2-3 people counted as a lot? Will it be okay with 3 people?

Somehow it seems that my year was a good year, so I've come across a lot of delicious wine that were from my year, even until now.

Satoshimika // Hyogo // 40~49 // Female
If Matsujun were to make a time capsule to give to your 50 year old self, what will you put in?

Maybe "pantsu"!? So as to see whether I can still wear them when I'm 50 years old.
It's not about the pattern or design, but just purely, whether I still can fit into that size during that time.

I'm not talking about "pants", but I'm really referring to underwear.
(t/n: the japanese term he used, "pantsu" can refer to either pants, or underwear. Jun-kun is clarifying here xD)
No matter how active I am, my metabolism will be sure to decrease, and there will be some changes to my figure, that's normal right?
That's why I'm working hard at building up my body, I would like to check it when I'm 50 years old.

Vol. 6
Sakuramyu // Hiroshima // 10~19 // Female
I am bad at expressing my thoughts into words and phrases.
Whenever I read Matsumoto-san's Enjoy, I find it really easy to read and I am envious of that.
Does Matsumoto-san have any rules when it comes to writing? Please teach us!

If you are referring to this Enjoy series, it would probably be being able to use the spacing between the lines well.
This is especially when writing about what kind of things happened here, and here... in a sequence.
For me as well, there are times that when I read, I think "Ahh, it would have been easier to read if I put more spacing here~".

If it's to be seen on a computer screen, it would be different, but since this is for viewing through your handphone.
It's not really a rule per se, but I do think about things like the rhythm in reading, and others.

Hikaru // Okinawa // 10~19 // Female
What sports do you like?

Baseball, soccer... Right now the only sports that I'm playing is futsal.
I watch baseball, soccer, tennis, and basketball.

Recently with the Confederation Cup, soccer is very exciting, so I watch soccer a lot, and during the Olympics, I watch a variety of sports...

Recently it seems that I been having a lot of chances to watch tennis? Because it usually goes on at night, so it probably fits my timing. Also, the game progresses fast so it might be easier to watch.

Congrats on Enjoy100! // Oita // 10~19 // Female
What kind of criteria do you use to decide on which country to go to? And, what country would you like to go next? Please tell us! (o__)o

It would be, the places where I have interest in at that time, or if I hear about it from others and I have the feeling of wanting to go too.

Althought it depends on the motive of going there too.
Like the times where "I want to see this scenery!", or
"I want to go there to see that museum!" or
"I want to see this stageplay!" things like that, there are cases where I have a specific aim in mind.

I wrote about this when talking about Paris too, but I like to walk around unfamiliar cities.

I think that I'm the type that won't get lost, even if I walk around randomly.
My sense of direction, is unexpectedly good. (laugh)

Somehow, when I walk while thinking, "Ah, won't I be able to reach if I go 2 blocks from here, and turn?", I'll end up walking the correct direction.

Myuu // Kanagawa // 20~29 // Female
If you become an aniki guest, what would you like to teach the other members?
And, what would you like to learn?

For the members... I don't think there's any.
We are usually together, so it'll be like having a "It's okay even if I don't teach them anything, right?!" kind of feeling. (laugh).

enjoy, translation: matsumoto jun

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