[translation] Wink-up 2013.06 - Arashi crosstalk (part 1)

May 05, 2013 10:32

To commemorate WU's 300th issue, Arashi comes back on the cover after a long time!
We present to you the Wink Up's Arashi-like expressions that can only be seen when Arashi is here!
The pictures are 2-shots from all of the combinations, as well as the "My Best Combi" that was picked by Arashi themselves!

Arashi x Wink Up
300th Issue Special Talk

-- To celebrate WU's 300th issue, we have put Arashi as the cover group after 2 and a half years!
AMNOS: It's been a long while! And congratulations on the 300th issue!

-- Thank you very much! And so, we will be giving a quiz to Arashi after a long time, and we will be verifying some of that things that Arashi has said in your appearances on Wink Up until now.
S: Although it's been a long time since we were able to do this... But we will get it right, so I think there's no meaning in doing this? After all, we are Arashi!
AO: That's true (laugh).
M: It's about our own topics after all.
N: Isn't it about Arashi's topics?
AMNOS: (burst out laughing)

-- Anyway, let's do this! So, the first question. In the June issue of 2000, Matsujun said that "My role in Arashi is to liven up the atmosphere." You said that in concerts, "I want to do ____ for the 4 of them.". What did you want to do?
S: Year 2000? That was... around the time where we just debuted, wasn't it.

-- It was the time where you have just finished your first concert.
A: In concert....?
M: For the 4 of them? Eh... that is about something that I wanted to do for them during the concert? (suddenly recalled) Massage!
ANOS: .... (Eh?)
S: No, no...
N: To liven up the atmosphere...?
AMNOS: (burst out laughting)
M: Eh, during the actual thing?
S: What was it? It's for the rest of us members right?
M: (thinking again) I wanted to make a weird face.

-- No, no... (laugh)
M: Eh. If you think about it... what is there? It was about like, "I wanted to do THIS at concert!", right?
N: For the members, right?
S: ... We couldn't get out of this from the very start.
A: A difficult quiz has come, hasn't it.
S: It's like, I never thought that something from our debut days would even come out...
AMNOS: (burst out laughing)
M: Am I doing it, even now?
S: On the other hand, what about now? Matsujun, at the moment, what do you want to do in concert?
A: Massage? You're going to do it for us, aren't you?
M: No, that's a bit... (laugh). Eh?!?! It's during the concert itself?

-- Then, I'll give a hint. It's not during the concert itself. It's something that you don't really hear about during a concert. Although it is present in the case of television...
O: So it's something that is impossible in a concert?
M: Is there something that is specific to television...?
O: Ah, camera?
A: Camera? Ah~, for memories, yea. I got it!! It's to create memories!!
AMNOS: (burst out laughing)
M: But we've already filmed the concert quite a few times (laugh)
A: Drink? Creating a special drink. The kind that gives you energy!
S: MJD? (Matsujun Drink)
A: That's cool. (laugh)
O: (very amused) Hahahahaha!!!
M: Eh.... I don't know! I can't think of any more than this.
S: If the one who said it can't remember, then we probably can't guess it?

-- The answer is "I want to do warm-ups."
AMNOS: (unanimously) Haa~ So that was it!
S: Is that something that is specific to television?
M: (listening to the answer) What the heck is that... Was I an idiot?!
AMNOS: (burst out laughing)
S: Warm-ups for the four of us... that means, we start doing it in the greenroom? Like, "Okay! We are going to start the concert soon! (rubs hands together)"!
N: "We want to properly look over the progress for the concert. (rubs hands together)"
S: Hahaha!! If it is something along those lines, he is doing the warming-up for us. We form a circle with the Juniors and the band, "It's the second day, so on and so forth" "Today is the last! So let's etc etc etc", he does that for us.
A: True, he is doing the warming-up.
S: He is. So... it is verified, that you have fulfilled your dream!
N: To the readers as well, we would want you all not to give up on your dreams!
AMNOS: (burst out laughing)
M: From my answer, it's that I want to go up on stage before the concert and do warm-ups, right? It's like... but, you know, I have that kind of feeling even now. It's the same even for television shows isn't it? Well, even though I don't get the meaning of being the only one to do it before concerts (laugh)
S: Nah, it's not that it's something weird, you know (laugh)
O: (very amused) Fufu, fufufu.

-- As expected, it was right after your first concert, so you were thinking about a lot of things.
M: That's probably true. If not, I wouldn't have said such an uncontrollable thing. (laugh)
S: With a flexible way of thinking, you can unveil never-ending possibilities!
AMNOS: (burst out laughing)

-- Moving on, from the Feburary issue of 2007. At that time, Aiba-chan changed to blonde hair under the recommendation of the stylist. Even from the members as well, they kept asking "What happened?" as they were surprised by the change, what did he express this hair colour as?
N: Ahh~ there was such a time.
O: Wasn't that it? It was really blonde, wasn't it?
N: It was blonde? Did it become red?
M: It was around the time of "Love so sweet", right. (made an Ah! expression) Peanuts!
A: Ahh~ Because of Chiba?
N: Groundnuts, right?
M: The peanuts that were like blonde hair.
A: Hyahahahahaha (laughed really hard)
M: Eh, the stylist said that the colour was good?
A: Yea!
S: Eh? Do you even know the answer?
A: I know. I found out! (made a pose like he remembered)

-- Hint. When he was recommended this colour by the stylist, it seems that Aiba-chan thought "It's good, it's good, it looks tasty".
S: Eh! If you say that it was "tasty"... isn't it Matsujun's answer!
M: That's right, it's definitely peanuts! Is it close?
A: It's.... not close (laugh)
M: Mayonnaise?
A: Eh?!?!?!
O: Cream puff!
N: Peanut butter!
S: Peanut butter...... (laugh)
A: That's wrong~ Cream puff is nearer, probably.
M: Cheesecake!
A: You're close. But...
S: (suddenly realised) Sobu Line's Yellow! (t/n: one of the subway lines in Japan. Aiba-chan used this line to go back home with Nino during in the Junior days too)
N: The yellow of the Sobu Line, yea!
A: That's embarassing!
AMNOS: (burst out laughing)
A: Plus, the Sobu Line isn't yellow, right? Isn't it silver?
N: Now, it's silver with a line of yellow.
A: It's wrong. Is that all? Can I give a hint? It's a drink!
M: Ah! Orange juice!
O: Corn potage?
A: Wrong. It's stylish, it's stylish!!
N: Cafe latte!
A: Oh~~ You're going very close!
S: Ah! (with a smiling face) Cafe ole!
AMNOS: (burst out laughing)
A: Ve~ry close!!!
MN: (at the same time) Caramel macchiato!
S: Soy latte!
A: So stylish (laugh)! But, it's more simple! It's something that has been around since a long time ago!
N: Cocoa!
A: Yes, yes. Cocoa, and?
N: Eh.... Coffee with milk?
S: Milk tea?
A: Correct!
S: Royal milk tea---!
A: No, no... You already got it correct!
M: (dissatisfied) It's peanuts!
A: Hahaha!! That's right, peanuts is okay as well. Well, both can be correct answers!
AMNOS: (burst out laughing)
S: But it's unexpected, that was in 2007? For me, I had the image that it was around Pikanchi (2003).
M: Until that time, you changed your hair colour quite a bit, right?
A: I did, I did. I changed it several times.

-- Recently, Nino dyed his hair blonde as well. Is there something, like, a hair colour that you want one of you to challenge?
A: Nah, but you know... we're already at this age? We won't do it other than if it's necessary.
M: It hurts the hair...
N: Hair is an important resource!
AMNOS: (burst out laughing)
S: I remember thinking about this when we were allowed to appear in Wink Up. I was looking at the various groups, but the percentage of the groups having black hair was high.
N: Yea, that's true.

-- About that, Matsujun has never had blonde hair before.
M: Never. I never had blonde hair.
O: That's right... you didn't.
M: There was once, where I did a bright colour... But I didn't do a high bleach, not even once.
S: Satoshi-kun should, you know? Do that gay-like one 1 more time...
M: Yea, that orange coloured one...
N: Gay colour yea?
S: Gay colour! Hahahahaha!
M: It was for a calendar shoot.
O: That one! They sprayed my blonde hair with black, and it became orange...
S: That time, it was really interesting~
A: A lot of things happened. (laugh)

-- For the next one, it's from the September 2001 issue. At that time, Nino unveiled an episode where "After finishing work, I went with ___ to eat for the first time!". So, who was the person that he went with?
A: For the first time? The first time was in 2001?
N: Did I go with someone to eat for the first time in 2001?
A: I went out with you to eat before that.
O: It's not me.
S: They're saying that it's just the two of you? Then for me as well... I probably already went.
A: Then, Matsujun?
N: It's become that way.
M: By elimination, it became like this?

-- Just the two of you eating, did it happen during those days?
A: For me, well you know, our way back home was the same so we would eat things like ramen together...
S: For me, it wasn't really for eating per se... but before debuting, the two of us were discussing about rejecting the offer to enter Arashi.
N: Yea. We would discuss... and stay at each other's houses. Right?
S: Yea. That's why it's not really for a meal, but I feel that we did spend time together, just the two of us before.
M: But, I don't think it's me either...
S: Then.... it's nobody!
N: I see!
A: What's with this question! There's no answer?
AMNOS: (burst out laughing)

-- No, no. The answer is actually... Sho-kun...
S: Me?!?! But... the two of us went together to see "Deep Impact" at a cinema in Shibuya. Right?
N: That's right, we went (laugh).
S: Before debuting.
N: We ate curry together.

-- So for this, maybe it meant that it was after debuting?
S: Ah, it's post-debut? So for that... certainly, we didn't have a chance to do that.
NS: I don't remember at all...

-- Since it was something that happened 12 years ago (laugh). By the way, what about recently? Was there a chance to go out with the members for a meal?
M: Just recently, I went to eat with Leader.
O: (nods head repeatedly to say yes)
M: We had work together. Then, after it ended... I went to Leader's house for the first time.
S: (really caught his attention) Eh, really?!
A: (shocked) Eh-!
S: That's amazing! Really, really amazing.
N: (to Ohno) ... Let me go too! Really!!
O: Teeheehee (laugh)
S: Wait a moment, this is big news! No one has ever gone before, isn't it?
M: Well... it's already 13 years? That we are together. And it's the first time.
N: (to Ohno) Why? Why did you think that "Oh, it's okay"?
O: Well, Matsujun said, "I want to see your art", so...
S: Isn't that, the same tactic as a guy saying "I want to see your dog", and entering a girl's house...?
AMNOS: (burst out laughing)
M: It's not that kind of weird situation! (laugh)
N: Fuu~~n (laugh). Then, you said "Okay."?
O: (nods)
S: Hey, that's really amazing.
M: Then, the two of us went to a place to eat...

-- Just the two of you?
M: Just the two of us.
N: So, the two of you ate, then bye bye?
M: No, we went out to drink.
S: Eh! After that, you went to drink?!
O: Was it at 3 places?
A: You went to so many?!
M: If you count the place where we ate, then probably 3 places.

-- Eh.... First, it was entering the house.
S: That is already... Did you go into his apartment?
M: I was there for around 30 minutes, wasn't I?
O: Un, that's right.
M: I was like, oh~~ you lived in such a place? (laugh)
S: Heh.... The rest of us don't know that, yea.
N: Then, it became a let's go and eat! kind of situation?
M: It was... because it was a day that the both of us were dancing. So we were really hungry.

-- What is "a day that the both of you were dancing"?
S: Hahaha! That's cool isn't it? The two of them would have it sometimes. Right?
N: Un, for the two of them (laugh).
S: Sometimes, they will have dancing days. The rest of us don't have any though!
AMNOS: (burst out laughing)
M: Hahaha! Well, because of that we were really hungry. So we ate at around 5.30pm...
A: That's early!
M: Yea (laugh). Then, we started drinking at around 7.30pm... It was fun!


part 2 will be updated soon :)
Part 2: here!
meanwhile, enjoy!

translation: aiba masaki, translation: arashi, translation: matsumoto jun, wink up, translation: ninomiya kazunari, translation: sakurai sho, translation: ohno satoshi

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