price tag

Mar 17, 2013 16:33

price tag
kai/krystal, 1,716w. pg-15.
some endings were just meant to be tragic
a/n: gotta love bollywoodrecord for withstanding my number of whines about this fic
a/n: idk when this was started but it's been running through my mind for a while and i finally got it done
a/n: it totally went off track the whole price tag au though.
a/n: this is just stupid and omg too many a/ns

This is how the country ran these days. Seoul, now year 2074, and people were given price tags. People could be bought, sold, anything. For people like Jongin, you could work all day and your price would only go up by maybe 50 cents. But for the elites, they were born with it, born with the high price.

Jongin survived in the ghettos - survived, not lived.

How he met Soojung was a whole other story.

She was born with it, born with the price.

Daughter of one of Korea’s leading businessman, there was nothing that she had to worry about in her life.

Jongin was pretty rebellious, sneaking out into the city to get a glimpse of how people live out where they have no worries. That’s where he met her.

He managed to sneak into a party as a waiter, and she caught his eyes. He served her table all night and chased after her when she excused herself for some fresh air.

At first she was a little freaked out, but after some talking, he figured out who she was.

“Krystal Jung. But you probably already knew that.”

“Actually, I didn’t.” He chuckled and smirked, showing off his signature grin.

That was the least of her interest though. She raised a brow. “How do you not? I mean everybody knows my family here.”

“I’m not from here.”

And that’s what really sparked up her interest in him.

“So like the ghettos?” Soojung looked upon him with interest, leaning her chin against her hand, staring right at him.

The sudden attention felt like unwanted pressure but he laughed it off and responded to her questions. “Mhm.”

“I knew something was different about you. You smelled different than the others.”

He wasn’t sure how to respond to that so he just laughed, and thankfully, so did she.

That was their first meeting. Jongin didn’t think he’d be able to see her again, but after the party she came up to him, asked him to stay a little. That she finally made a friend, and she didn’t want him leaving any time soon.

She paid for the hotel he stayed in and everything just so they could meet. It started out as an innocent friendship at first, but those always end up blooming into something a lot more.

It was about five months after their first meeting when Soojung came pounding on his hotel door at four in the morning.

Groaning, Jongin walked out of bed and opened the door to a soaking wet Soojung who looked like she just ran as she was huffing out breaths of air.

“Woah, Soojung, what’s the problem?”

She pushed him out of the way and crawled into his bed. Before he could ask the question again, he could hear the quiet sobbing noises that were coming from her.

A little dumbfounded, all Jongin could do was walk towards her and sit beside her on the pet, silently brushing through her hair, trying to calm her down.

“I got fucking bought.”

Jongin chuckled softly. “You’re kidding, Soojung. Nobody could possibly buy you, you’re like expensive as hell-“

“There are people out there richer than my dad, Jongin.” She sat up, looking at him with black tears running from her red eyes. It looked as if though she was done crying, but that thought was soon proved wrong as her face scrunched up and she started sobbing again.

“Who is he?” Suddenly he was interested in the bastard that had so much money that he had the ability to buy Soojung.

“Choi Minho.”

“So, why did you come here?”

Soojung had come out of her shower and she was now all nice and clean, but still broken.

She shrugged. “I don’t know. I knew I possibly couldn’t go to my dad and tell him that I got fucking bought by some guy I just met at the club. I don’t have any other friends. That leaves you.”

“Well, you know now that you’ve been bought that you can’t be seen with another guy but him. That’s the law.” He smiled weakly, hitting her with the cold news.

She groaned and laid down on the bed. “I know. That’s so stupid. I don’t even know this guy. I fucking ran away from him at the club. I ran all the way here, Jongin. Couldn’t you tell when you opened the door?”

He could tell. That was the first thing that he noticed. “So what do you want me to do? You know I can’t buy you back. I have no money. And now that you’ve been bought, you can’t use your money on me anymore. Soojung, this might be the last time we even see each other. I’m going to have to go back eventually. I don’t belong here-“

The last thing he expected was for Soojung’s lips to be on his, but he couldn’t lie and say that he never wanted this. Heck, this was the first reason why he even approached her. Because she was so damn beautiful and he wanted her, but he knew he couldn’t have her.

When he finally pulled away after coming back to his senses, she whispered to him.

“Help me run away.”

Maybe that’s how they ended up where they were. Hiding in the city with the help of some people Soojung knew. The people in the city all felt the same, they all wanted to escape as well. Once you were bought, there was no escape.

Choi Minho sent people out looking for her. He was in “love” with her, at least that’s what he called it. How do you fall in love with someone after only a night with them?

(But then that’s how Soojung and Jongin fell in love. How ironic.)

“Soojung. I don’t think this is right.”

The two secret lovers were currently laying against each other in Jongin’s excuse of a bed. He didn’t have much, nobody did nowadays.

Soojung shifted her weight to her left so that she was now facing him. “And why do you think that?”

He groaned, not knowing exactly how to respond. “It just feels wrong, Soojung. I don’t think-“

“Well if you stop thinking, everything becomes all right,” and before he could respond, she’s already shut him up with a kiss to his lips. One that had him stop thinking.

So that everybody felt right.

It’s been several months of hiding and hiding. She was tired, he was scared. The only thing that kept them going was the love, but what would happen once that got extinguished as well?

(“It’ll never happen,” Soojung assured him.

“Can you keep that promise?”


That promise was to be tested one night.

Everything was peace and quiet until a bunch of men barged into their little house, Choi Minho following close behind.

“Jung Krystal. I’ve been searching for you for months. You know this is against the law, right? I bought you, you belong to me.”

He stormed towards her, ready to take back what belonged to him when Jongin intercepted between the two.

“Back off. Can’t you tell that she obviously doesn’t want to spend the rest of her life with you?”

Minho scoffed and pushed Jongin’s forehead. “Move before I hurt you.”

Jongin didn’t move an inch. He stayed in front of Soojung.

This aggravated Minho even more. “Listen up. I may choose not to take any actions against Krystal, but I guess you don’t know what I can do to you. I heard you’re not even from the city, no, you’re just a lonely little boy from the ghettos.” He laughed.

“You know what they say about the people from ghettos? That those boys have nothing to be afraid of, that they’ve already been through hell. Well guess what, lonely boy, hell’s a lot worse if you’re sent from the city. So I suggest you move out of the way before I seriously injure you.”

Soojung kept her position still from behind Jongin, her arms wrapped around his body for protection. “Don’t do it, Jongin, please. If he hurts you, I’ll hurt him back. Just don’t move.”

She didn’t notice the tears that were falling from her eyes, but they were there, soaking Jongin’s shirt, but that was the least of their worries right now.

When the two figures in front of him wouldn’t move, Minho let out a laugh. “You have a lot of gut you know, standing there trying to protect this girl thinking that she’s your’s. But you’ve been misinformed. Now move before-“

Jongin’s already laid a punch against Minho’s face, not being able to stand him anymore. “You’ve been threatening me but you know, boys from the ghettos know how to fight. And we do it pretty well.” He smiled that signature smirk of his.

Minho was on the floor, wiping his mouth of the blood that started seeping out. He smirked. “Oh really. So you’re a fighter? Well, what I bet is that you’ve never been exposed to these before.”

And before Jongin could calculate what Minho was saying, a bullet was flying towards him and it him, right in the chest.

Soojung screamed, but even that was inaudible to Jongin. He couldn’t hear anything, not anymore.

She’s ran over to his side, the tears now dropping onto his face. “God dammit, Jongin don’t leave me.”

In the background could be heard Minho’s laugh, the kind that the evil kings always do when they defeat their enemy. The laugh was shortly cut, however, by a cough of blood.

The gun was now in Soojung’s hand and aimed towards Minho, the bullet already gone and into Minho’s chest. “You killed him. You fucking killed him.”

It was her turn to now laugh, but then the bullet hit her.

Minho’s men have killed her and now fled the scene.

When the police came over with a neighbor’s call, they discovered three bodies.

One all alone in the middle of his own pool of blood.

The other two were laid next to each other, hands tightly grasping the other’s.

What haunted them even more was the slight smile on the girl’s face, as if she was satisfied with this ending.

Some endings were just meant to be tragic.

(But she liked tragic.)

f: exo, rating: pg-15, pairing: kai/krystal, f: f(x)

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